Leon Kennedy smut (fem)

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You and Leon, stuck in Raccoon City. A zombie outbreak everywhere and your other acquaintances gone, nowhere to be seen. Quickly entering a car, you glance at Leon, who steps on the gas faster than anyone you've seen to the latest. And in just a few seconds, you were gone. Gas station behind you and stuck in Raccoon City to find the others. Claire and Chris needed to be found before anything. Honestly, If you could leave them behind and leave with Leon, you would. But they were..friendly enough. Soon, you reached the Station.

"Claire?? Chris?" Leon quietly yelled out. You used your flashlight to your abilities, quietly looking for them in your own business. In the meanwhile, you screamed when you saw a hoard of zombies running your way. "Leon S. Kennedy we need to run..now!" Shocked to hear his full name, he only realized what fear you felt when he saw what you did. Full speed you both booked it to the top floor, hiding into a locker. Zombies were only heard far away when they missed you both completely.

But now stuck in the locker together. Racing thoughts in and out of your head. Having Leon so close to your neck, breathing in and out, his whispering voice telling you to be quiet. Fuck..it was kinda hot. Could he be feeling the same way who knew. All you knew was you had to do something, and somehow, you found yourself grinding your thighs against each other for some kind of friction. Leon quickly took notice. He was so kind, asking you what was wrong. Hitching your breath was the only answer you could give back, giving him a look, one of both pleasure and disappointment. 

He only looked back at you, finally getting the hint. You needed some action, this was your way of doing so. To say it wasn't in any way attractive would be lying. You only could feel his eyes on you before he got closer. "Is that the idea you get from me? Someone to find ideas like that from? To get off from hearing me speak, or even breathe?" And somehow that talk made you whine. "S-sorry. I can't help it I-" he shut you up with a kiss. Something you weren't expecting. His left hand moved on your thigh while his right reached up to your throat. "Be quiet we'll be found. You don't want a hoard of zombies up against this locker while I'm up against you, right?" Fuck that was hot. And increasingly gave you activity

All your brain could focus on was Leon, his voice and his damn hands, using his fingers to stay deep inside you. Thick hands and voice keeping you on cloud 9. You snuggled closer to his body, wanting the physical contact. It felt like some kind of release, a therapy of sorts. It was definitely a good distraction to this zombie outburst Raccoon City was having. Ignoring that, your hole was getting filled with his fingers and it wasn't that bad. Quiet moaning from you and his own gasp and groans from your hands on his dick. Not much can be done, with this much space. A locker isn't much, and you can't do anything but mutually touch.

Hopefully Claire and Chris could wait a bit more until you and Leon were done.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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