Chapter 1: The Day You Left

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Author's note:

Content Warnings:
- Assumed but NOT actual Major Character death
- MENTIONED serious injuries



I love the ship YakuLev/LevYaku and am honestly sad that it often gets interpreted in a more toxic way.

We'll have none of that here!
I love myself some healthy relationship dynamics 😇 (makes the angst hit much harder when someone gets hurt 😈)


For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


"Lev Haiba?" an unknown voice asked from the other end of the line.

He ignored the fact that they mispronounced his name. It happened fairly often since he met with people from all over the world due to his job.

It was odd though. His agent didn't inform him about any new projects or potential clients in the near future and it was highly unlikely that they would contact him through his private phone number.

"I'm calling from the ******* hospital in *******," they continued.

Hospital? He frowned, suddenly alarmed.

"I'm sorry to inform you that your partner... uh Mori-suke Yaku," they mispronounced his name as well," was involved in an accident. They just...uhm finished... the surgery."

His heartbeat accelerated and he started to pace through the room, hastily searching for something. Lev started to randomly pick things up and put them back down again in his slowly growing panic, losing orientation bit by bit while trying to remain focused.

"Mr. Haiba?"

"Yes, I- I'm packing my things. I'll be there in a few hours. I-"

"Mr. Haiba," they said sternly. " That is not necessary..." suddenly their tone grew more solemn.

"What? No... Of course, it's necessary! I have to see him, I-"

"I'm sorry. I know this must be hard for you to hear. But I need you to stay calm.
The doctors did everything they could... sometimes it's not..."

Lev couldn't hear them anymore.
His body moved on autopilot or rather he lost the feeling in his legs as he slid down to the floor. His hands were shaking and he failed to hold onto his phone any longer. It slipped through his fingers and landed with a low this on the ground.

The noise echoed in his mind but it sounded far far away. As if he was underwater. As if he was drowning.
The only thing he could hear was a high-pitched ringing in his ears, as the darkness was closing in on him.

"Mori... Please... stay with me... please," he whimpered. His voice grew thin until it was an inaudible whisper, interrupted by slowly building cries and sobs.



"Yaku-san, be careful!" the nurse chastised him. "You need to take it slow!"

Yaku ignored him and continued to hurry down the hallway.
"I was released from the hospital. You are not responsible for me anymore."

The libero felt a bit sorry for him or rather all of the staff that had to deal with him in the past weeks, except maybe for the stupid doctor, who insisted that he stayed at least five days longer than necessary in his opinion.
Admittedly he hasn't been an easy patient. More stubborn than anybody could wish for and quick to anger when someone commented on his height (or rather lack thereof).

"The Day You Left" - YakuLev (non-toxic) | Angst with happy endWhere stories live. Discover now