Eunchae- Flu

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As it was comeback season, it was noisy in the fimmies home

what  do we take with us?

Can we stop for breakfast?

how long do you think this schedule will be?

Everyone was nervous because they would be preforming on music bank.

Eunchae wake up!- Sakura

What time is it?-Eunchae

5:30 am the manager is going to be here in ten minutes so please gather all your items- sakura

 Eunchae slowly got up and gathered the bare minimum. Since she got home from practice last night she had not been feeling well. She didn't want to worry her unnies so she kept it to herself. But she was aching and dizzy along with her stomach bothering her. All she wanted to do was to lie down and rest.

The fimmies all went outside to the car. Eunchae,Sakura and Kazuha sat in the back and yunjin and chaewon in the middle.

Does anyone want any snacks?-sakura


eunchae would you like some?-sakura

no unnie its okay im actually going to sleep a while longer- eunchae 

okay- sakura

a little while after the girlies start to talking while eunchae is asleep

 is eunchae okay? she's been a little off all morning and im not sure if she's okay because she's not saying much.-chaewon

yea ive noticed that and she is looking a little pale-yunjin

just as they mention her she starts to wake up

eunchae gwenchana?-sakura says

im okay why?-eunchae

you don't look very well, if you feel sick its okay to tell us-sakura

okay I will don't worry too much-eunchae

by now it is 7 am and fimmies have just arrived to music bank. As they are getting off eunchae enters a dizzy spell and reaches out to grab chaewons arm.

yah why are you grabbing me! wait are you okay? you look really pale-chaewon

Im okay I just tripped on the stairs getting off the car.-eunchae


As the girlies get ready to do the pre recording, eunchae who is already ready is lying asleep in the waiting room couch.

Im getting really worried for her, I know somethings wrong but I can't help her if she doesn't let me-sakura

lets just keep an eye on her because I feel like when we preform she might get hurt- kazuha

LETS GO!-chaewon

The fimmies head to the stage. Eunchae is staggering behind them feeling very nauseous and dizzy. As they preform Eunchae feels like she's going to be sick. She's just trying to get through to the end.

As the performance ends, Eunchae is not the ending fairy for the day so she takes off running to the restroom.

Where did she go?-yunjin

im not even sure-kazuha

ill go find her guys- sakura

okay then the rest of us lets go back to the waiting room-chaewon

sakura is searching every room and every corner to find eunchae. Eventually she ends up going to restroom just to be sure. There she sees the shoes of eunchae in one stall and she can hear eunchae sniffling.

Eunchae are you there- sakura

unnie im here im okay dont worry- eunchae says weakly

open the door- sakura

Eunchae then opens the stall door to reveal her limp body sitting on the floor trying to recover from her being sick. Sakura looks at her at sees how pale and green she looks along with a dazed look in her eyes.

Eunchae-yah. What happened to you? Do you still feel sick? How do you feel now?-sakura

Before Eunchae can even answer she beings to vomit again. Sakura stands there stand helps her to hold her hair.

Unnie im so sorry I didn't tell you I was sick, I just didn't want to miss our first comeback show. I feel better now than I did earlier.-eunchae

how do you feel right now-sakura

im still a little dizzy but not as nauseous as I was earlier-eunchae

okay lets get you cleaned up and we will go to the waiting room-sakura

Sakura then helps eunchae up and is supporting her weight while she cleans her up and the sink. Both slowly walk back to the waiting room.

Yah eunchae what's wrong with you- yells yunjin

everything is spinning, please stop yelling-eunchae

yunjin help me take her to the couch before she passes out-sakura

eunchae is sitting on the couch and starts to doze off

where was she?-chaewon

I found her almost passed out from being sick in the restroom. she's very sick and I think she should go to the hospital or at least go home to rest-sakura

was it that bad? because she hasn't been complaining all day-chaewon

it was bad she could barely walk al l the way here, we had to stop and sit like five times or else she would begin to faint. other idols stopped and were concerned and I just said we were fine-sakura

oh yea that is kind of bad-chaewon

we should ask her what she wants to do-kazuha

eunchae started to come out of her trance as she heard her unnies talking. she began to get up but as she started to walk over she began to get very dizzy.


catch her!-kazuha

woah thanks unnies, I think im energized enough for the live show-eunchae

eunchae no you can't, do you want to go to the hospital or do you want to just rest at home?-chaewon

Eunchae ended up going home and so did the fimmies. They figured the pre recording would be enough. A statement was put out that she would be on hold from activities for a week. The members took turns taking care of her between their solo activities.


Hello everyone! thank you for reading my first piece!

Im open to any request as long as there is no smut! Like even if you wanted a pt 2.

Ill be updating as soon as I can.

Hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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