💚- The Bite -💚

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Phestival stuff... *Sobs cuz Team Bitten lost*


- "...What do you think of this outfit?" Dom asked, turning around and showing Valk his outfit for the new Phestival. His outfit was pretty simple compared to Valk's, but he didn't care.

- "Mhm... You look cool with these, brother!" Valk said with a smile, fixing the collar of his fancy white jacket. Both of them were ready for the new halloween themed Phestival: Choose Your Fate!

They finished switching clothes, both smiling and talking about their outfits and arguing about which team would win this time.
While they chatted, Dom took the opportunity to take a selfie of himself and sent it to Boombox, with the caption "Rate my Outfit, hun".

He laughed to himself at that, before putting his phone on his pocket and walking away with Valk, to go to the Crossroads Tower and start the live, but both of them had no idea of what was waiting for them up there...


The camera was ready, the stage was ready... Everything was ready.
Valk clicked the "Record" button on the camera, and ran to the stage, to start their recording for the Phestival intro.

Both of them shared look, smiling, ready to start acting, but they had no idea of what was waiting for them...

The recording started, both of them smiling and in their positions.
Valk took a deep breath.

- "Hope you're ready for a brand new Phestival! This one's halloween themed!" Valk started, speaking with an excited tone of voice.

It was Dom's turn to talk now, but while Valk was talking, he felt a... Weird and strong presence behind the stage. He ignored it, turning his head back to the camera.

- "I am clearly just as excited. Which team will you pick this time, Phighter?" Dom said next, raising an eyebrow and looking at the camera.

There was a thunderstorm happening there too, and when they heard the noise of the thunder... It all begun.

Dom felt a sharp pain on his shoulder, a REALLY strong one. He fell on the ground, grunting, turning his head to his arm, what he saw made his eyes widen...

A bite mark...

He looked behind him, and saw the worst thing, ahem, person possible to be the responsible for that...


The deity was now brutally biting and ripping chunks of flesh out of Dom's right leg. Dom screamed in pure horror, agony and pain at that, but he was already feeling the side-effects of the bite.

His vision was becoming blurry, a few tears ran down his eye, but they were... Green? His horns and wing color were changing, and he was even starting to drool.
He looked behind himself, and saw Valk trying to fight Ghostwalker, but there were chains already attached to Valk's wrists and fingers... It was too late.

The last thing Dom heard before his mind went blank was Ghostwalker's voice.

- "...Are we interrupting?"


Boombox was still waiting on his apartment, checking the clock. Dom promised to him that he would be there once they finished the Phestival's opening recording. He was starting to get worried, Dom was never late... What happened?

- "He's probably okay... Dom's a tough guy." Boombox said to himself, but something inside him was telling him that something bad happened to his boyfriend.
Boombox was really nervous and was starting to get impatient. Where was Dom? What was he doing? Was he okay?

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