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Giyuu was nervous. He looked at the pillars around him and swallowed thickly. On the way to the annual Hashira meeting, he happened to see his reflection in a puddle left by last night's sudden showers. In his reflection, all seemed normal until you looked at his neck.

A dark red bruise was visible above his collar. Normally all will be fine, he can brush it off if anyone asked him what it was. 'It's just a bug bite.' This would be believable since he isn't known to have any sexual relations that would allow him to have a hickey. Though he did notice Uzui staring at him time to time as if he knew Tomiaka was lying.

Besides the point, Giyuu also had a very compromising human bite around said hickey. He now had no way to excuse what was going on with his neck. It seems that last night Sabito hadn't abode by the rules to leave all marks below the collar. The bastard probably knew too. Tomioka puffed out an annoyed sigh.

He tugged on his collar, hopefully in a way that didn't attract attention, but also hopefully covering up the mark. Uzui caught his eyes as he looked to make sure no one was paying attention to him. Tomioka froze as Uzui's eyes trailed down to his still exposed love chomp. A smirk curled onto his face, his eyes dancing in humor. Tomioka scowled. He will definitely be killing Sabito the next time he sees him. Luckily enough, Uzui seems to not care to tell the fellow Hashiras his finding after the concluded meeting.

However, it seems his luck had run just as he was about to leave. Shinobu called out to him.

"Tomioka-san, it seems you're injured." Tomioka froze. How is supposed to explain this? He turns around facing all the Hashiras that are now staring at his 'injury'. This is rather embarrassing.

"This.. I'm fine." He says rather dully. Uzui is now smiling, mischievous.

"Say Tomioka-san, it seems that you had a lot of fun last night?" Tomioka first pales, then flushed bright red.

Misturi is the first to catch on. Her eyes turn radiant, as if she wanted Tomioka to spill out all of the juicy secrets.

"Tomioka-san, I hadn't known you were seeing someone!" She all but squeals. After she says this, it seems it clicks for everyone else what was going on. Obani and Sanemi both share rather disgusted looks. Rengoku stands smiling and blinking owlishly. Shinobu has a look of understanding, while Gyomei trails Muichiro away talking about how they should go and grab some food.

"Ah Tomioka-san, I hope you aren't going too rough on yourself and your partner." Shinobu states, pointing at the bite mark. Tomioka goes pale again.

"Kocho-san, I assure you he and I-"

"He? Haha I hadn't realized that your taste fell towards the same gender." Uzui very obviously pointed out. It was clear that nobody else thought so either. Tomioka eyes dart around looking for a chance to escape when he hears running from behind him. Obviously, God is pitying him and leaving him a getaway. He turns around and almost immediately decides that God did not pity him, but hate him. A very handsome young man with peach hair is running in his direction, calling his name.

"Giyuu! I have a mission, and I wanted to say bye before I left, but you were nowhere to be seen..." His speech slows down, taking in the very tense atmosphere. He looks a Giyuu who very much looked like he wanted to die right there. He almost suspected that Giyuu would start crying to him like he used to when they were children.

"I see, you have very good taste Tomioka." Uzui is the first to break the silence. Sabito watches as Giyuu's face turns blazing. He looks closer and notices the very prominent bite mark on Giyuu's neck. 'Ah, it seems that we were found out' Sabito concludes.

"I'm sorry Giyuu, I didn't mean to leave a mark there." Giyuu nods meekly, walking towards Sabito. The Hashiras watch as Giyuu walks to the peach man, and the man pulls on Giyuu's waist in a very practiced manner. Uzui's eyebrows rise up, it seems that Giyuu is a cat. Misturi squeals high pitched about something being cute. Sanemi leaves with the words 'I got better things to do'.

Giyuu and Sabito talk quietly, before Sabito leaves with a kiss imprinted on his cheek. Giyuu turns around, face still flaming, saying goodbye to the remaining five Hashira and running off.

Uzui and Rengoku leave with them, talking loudly about a new place in town that would taste good. Shinobu walks off to her estate, ready for the very busy day. Lastly, Misturi drags Obani with her animatedly, talking about how cute Giyuu and his boyfriend are.

Kagaya sits in his home, a tea in hand, smiling as he feels his slayers leave.

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