Something Might Be Wrong

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Ethan Nestor lived a normal life. He was grateful to have a place to live and a steady job, but his whole existence was just so depressing. He woke up, did his morning routine, then left for work. Then he came home and ate dinner while watching YouTube. Sometimes he would do things on the weekends but he didn't really have any friends, which made doing things depressing too. He was desperate to have something to mix up his stupid little routine, but everything was too much of a commitment. He wanted a pet but he felt bad about leaving a dog home alone all day, and he didn't really love cats enough to get one.

That's when he found Turner. He loved him on sight. Suddenly his life felt a little bit brighter. He had someone to talk to, someone that didn't require much attention but was still just the right amount of commitment to make Ethan feel like he was important.

Turner was a fish. But he was the best fish in the whole world, and Ethan would stand by this till the end of time. He still didn't have any friends, but at least he had Turner.

But of course, nothing good would last. Ethan should have seen it coming.

The day he disappeared from his normal life was not a loss to anyone. No one was any the wiser to his disappearance except for Turner, when Ethan didn't show up to feed him on time. But Turner was a fish, and such thoughts didn't really cross his mind. He was a smart fish, but his brain didn't quite have the capacity to be able to think about someone going missing.

Even Ethan didn't know he was missing. That is, until he woke up.

From the second he opened his eyes, Ethan knew something was just a little bit wrong, but he couldn't tell what.

No, he wasn't referring to how he was tied to a metal merry-go-round with several other people. Obviously that was wrong. The feeling that sat in the very back of his mind like a very persistent, yet distant, parasite was something he couldn't quite put into a thought.

Behind him was the sounds of someone crying but Ethan didn't want to turn around because one, he wasn't sure if he even could, and two, because he didn't want to stare at someone who was obviously distraught.

He found himself dressed in all purple, an outfit he would unironically wear if...

If what? He couldn't think beyond or behind this event, there was only this and he knew it.

On his right was a man dressed in an orange coat and pants, and on his left was a man in a green coat with a green hat. Ethan could feel someone else behind him other than the one that was crying, but he didn't want to turn around.

He didn't feel afraid somehow, even though his mind was screaming at him. He had been kidnapped!! He was in a weird room with strangers!! He was tied to a merry-go-round!!

And yet he wasn't scared. The thoughts in his mind didn't quite feel like they were his, more like a really well done impression of his thoughts.

The lights in the room were off, Ethan noticed. Somehow it was still bright enough in the room to see things though, but he had just barely been able to capture the colors of the clothes that the people next to him were wearing.

Through the wall across from him and behind a chain fence and some sort of control panel, Ethan could hear people. Two people talking, someone talking about ripping someone open.

After a moment, the most gut wrenching scream sounded from in the other room. In that second, Ethan felt the most intense horror he had ever experienced. His thoughts cleared, the mimic voice replaced with his.

"Where the fuck am I?" He squeaked out, his breath stolen by the fear that threatened to strangle him. He meant to look around to see everyone else's reactions (he could feel them start to panic as well, the sobbing coming from behind him ceasing as the breathing in the room stopped), but then the scream stopped as quickly as it had started, the voice that had been screaming previously starting to talk again, sounding perfectly fine and cheerful.

Ethan relaxed back into the metal bar behind him as he forgot what he was thinking about.

A few minutes later, the lights clicked on and the door opened. Panic mixed with desperation filled Ethan suddenly. This person could get him out! This person would help him (and maybe the other people in the room too)!!

The one crying behind Ethan suddenly started to cry for help in a terrified, high pitched voice and Ethan felt himself start to join in, his words didn't feel like his own as he started to ask for help, but they were his, obviously. He wanted to get out and this was the person that could help. They were in trouble and had bombs around their necks and this tall person with a metal, glowing mask was going to help them. He was aware of everyone else starting to ask for help as well but they were quieter.

Once everything was getting explained by this odd person who vaguely reminded Ethan of something (a movie, perhaps?), Ethan really started to realize how bad of a situation he was in.

He needed to get back to Turner. Nothing else mattered anymore. He hadn't thought of his fish in a while and almost relished in the memory of his beloved pet. It felt like his only character point.

Ethan was distraught when Ranboo didn't choose him, but understood the decision. Sneeg seemed much calmer and able to make rational, smart decisions. And the crying girl Niki was so nice!

He couldn't help but hope that maybe if something happened that he would be able to leave though, and get back to his fish. Why was he thinking so much about his fish, he wondered. This was a life or death situation, (made obvious by the bomb that he wore like a necklace) and yet he couldn't be bothered to worry about his own existence. But his fish might die and then Ethan would no longer be able to live with himself.

Then the moment arose. Niki was shot, Ethan heard the gunshot. Then something happened to Vinny (the one in green), though Ethan wasn't sure what.

Then Ethan and Austin, the only other remaining character, wait no, the other remaining person trapped here were led through tubes into a huge closet thing. And Ethan felt calmer than he had ever felt. Now he was actually able to help and solve a puzzle and not feel like a useless human being. He was going to help Ranboo get out of here even if it was the last thing he did. Because Ranboo was the main character and they had to make it to the end.

this sucks but like whatever

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