Sneak out!

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Y/N's Pov:
At night.

I yawned after removing the last pin of my hair loosing them all down.... I released a sigh of relief and satisfaction after doing my job.
Such a tiring day....

The wedding was over a long time back. We bought the bride in our house too.... But later we started doing all the arrangements and activities for the new wedded couples to enjoy.... You know.... Yeah....

[The bed isn't needed for the first anyway

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[The bed isn't needed for the first anyway... If yk, yk... *Fake cough* 🌝]

I came out of the shower. Drying my hair, I went near the window. I could see the beautiful moon shining brighter than usual.... It feels like a fantasy come true... I took a deep breath. The cold breeze touching my wet skin making me feel goosebumps. I hugged myself and stood there with a smile looking at the moon...
Suddenly a hand wrapped around me! I flinched hard and was about to turn in horror but then,
"Why looking at the moon when you got your face more pretty than that!?... Babygirl"

I sighed in relief hearing his voice...
I stood comfortably snuggling more in his grip... I felt a safe feeling that I longed for.... I smiled to myself upon that thought.
I felt so lucky to have him by my side and more luckiest that I got such supportive parents that let me choose for my life... I thank you for this my dear God!

He turned me around. We looked at each other in eyes and he then slowly pecked my lips, then cheeks and lastly my forehead. I smiled at his cute actions.

"You don't have any idea how much I missed you today, how much I waited to take you in my arms and hug forever... Damn you really made me horny today..."

I gasped and hit hime playfully... He chuckled and hugged me more. Then said,

"Hey, how about... We go on a walk... Just you and me!?"
"Yoongi, are you crazy!? Walk at this hour... No, we can go tomorrow morning"
"No... Let's go now. I know tomorrow you'll not have time for these things, you gotta prepare for the reception right!?"
"Yeah I do, but right now!? At 1:30 am!? It's too late... And we should be sleeping right now... Everyone is asleep"
"That's why I'm saying let's go now... We won't get a chance when they'll be awake..."
"You're right though... But what if they came to know!? They'll surely become worried for us and they'll start searching for us!"
"Don't worry... No one's gonna know... They are thinking we are asleep and they won't disturb us..."
"Yeah... Then.... Let's go..."
"Yes! Let's go!"

He held my hand started dragging me but I stopped him.

"Yah! Let me get dressed atleast!"
"Aish! Be quick! I'll be outside"

Time skip.

We came to beach after walking for like 30 mins

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We came to beach after walking for like 30 mins... He held my hand and we walked slowly on the cold sand that dragged out feets inside everytime we took a step.

I remembered the first time we went on a beach and our moments there... The way he took me in the cold water and then he kissed me for the very first time... He said he loved me... Our first and unexpected date... The same way we are here walking on the beach at late night holding hands... Just how fast the night changes...
I looked at his face, he seems happy too... I hope he remembered that too...

We sat down on the sand looking at the reflection of the moon shining brightly in the water. The breeze hitting us making us relieved...
I looked at him, to find him lost too. I smiled. But then suddenly for the first time I thought about this! I looked at him in nervousness, thinking about whether to ask him or not, if he'll like this or not... But then I decided to go for it.

"Yoongi... Can I ask you something?"
"Sure... Go on!"
"I never asked you about this before, but why don't you ever talk to your parents? I've never seen you talk to your family? Is there any problem? I respect your privacy, so only if you want to, you can tell me..." Before I could finish he started,

"My parents... They're buisness handling people... They barely get time for each other or their children. I have an elder brother too. He is married now but he's also a reputed buisness man. My parents... They just remember sometime that I exist. So, when they do, they send me money and things I need, they just sent me some big amount of money or expensive gifts on my birthday to just make sure that they remember me... But they barely even call me to ask about me...
They think they always make sure that they give me everything I need... But only I know that they might can't give or have never given me the things I wanted... I needed the most... LOVE... CARE... AFFECTION... FAMILY...
I always wanted my parents to be with me... To cherish me, take care of me like every other parents do. But all I got was just a cold and fake response... They won't call me or atleast text me until I do that first... I love my family too, I need them too... But will they care? The answer i could give myself is, I don't know...
But you know what, this whole month, I stayed at your house... I never felt like before. I felt happy, I felt the way I always wanted to feel... I got that love I longed for... I got my love... From you, and your parents... Even your brother... I can't believe we made a good brother bonds in such a short time... I felt very lucky that I've found you in my life... I had lost my hope in finding any love... But you! You made me believe in Love again... You proved me wrong... You made me realise that,
'what has lost, is lost... But what we have now, cherish that the most before it's too late...'
And I want to thank you for this... Thank you for coming in my life, thank you for being my better half... And thank you for loving me...
I love you, Y/N... I love you till the moon and back..." 

He said and hugged me tightly as if he would lose me if he left... I could hear small sobs from him. I hugged him back with a genuine smile and comforted him. I realised that how much he loved me... He loved me more than I do. His love for me was pure, loyal, and faithful. He trusted me and said everything that he's been hiding in his mind for God knows how long. He let them out today... And I'm happy that he choosed me for trusting. Now I promise too that no matter what happens I will and I am never leaving him... Never ever...

"I love you more... My bully prince! My Yoongi!"

He chuckled and hugged me more tightly. I laughed at his actions and did the same. I slowly whipped those few drops of tears that escaped my eyes in bliss...

*______________ ^_^ ______________*

So hey ya guys.... First of all I'm genuinely sorry for late updates.
I know that I'm frequently updating late now a days but the fact is that I've been busy lately and also I've been out of ideas for a long time now.
And I've been sick for legit so many days or you can say month too... I always wanted to bring some updates but due to my sickness I never had any will to even pick up my phone... I've not even read any stories here nor I made any changes... I hope you understand me here.

I'm so sorry again. I hope this won't happen again next time.

So stay tuned and keep reading and supporting my works 😉
See you all in the next chapter sooner.

Till then,

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