11. Colloquio e bugie

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Wynter: "Oggi scrivi la storia Zed, il primo colloquio per il college!"

Willa, Wyatt, Wynter ed io stavamo cercando di tranquillizzare Zed che era in preda all'ansia per il colloquio per andare al Mountain college.

Wyatt: "Fa vedere che cosa sanno fare i mostri."

Zed: "Certo. Tra poco la stenderò con il mio sharm da zombie", guardò me e Willa facendo una faccia strana.

Kristen-Willa: "Si..." dimmo cercando di sembrare più sicure possibili, anche se eravamo abbastanza contrarie all'idea del suo "Sharm".

Zed: "Oppure no, fa niente."

Arrivarono da noi Bree e Bonzo.

Bonzo: "Gruzov."

Zed: "Cosa? È arrivata?" si prese la testa fra le mani e noi presenti ci lanciammo un'occhiata preoccupata.

Zed: I'm kind of freaking out

And not in the best way

More like a heart beating out my chest

'Cause I'm stressed way

Wynter: You're the best football player that I've ever seen

Bree: You'll be fine, you're a charismatic green machine

Zed: What if you're wrong, and I bomb this interview

Bonzo: Zog zig zrog ziggy ziggy zog

Zed: True, but what if that's not enough

Kristen: You've united these creatures

Wyatt: You have the heart of a wolf

Willa: You're a leader

Zed: I hate to say, but I'm nervous

How do I prove I dеserve this

I'm trying to be a pеrfect zombie

And everybody's counting on me

I'm Exceptional Zed

To all my family and friends

So I just gotta forget the doubts

And get up out of my head

'Cause I'm Exceptional Zed

I'm out here doing my best

Today I gotta be good to go

So I'll say it over again

I'm Exceptional Zed

I guess

Zed: Time to be live up to the hype

Preside Lee: The world's yours, you can change it

Coach: Thanks to you, I moved out

Mamma Coach: Now I live in his basement

Zed: I've had so many failures

Papà Addison: You've had more successes

La grande alfa//ZombiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora