Read and Loved(english must reads?)

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Are you bored? Done with all the books you want to read? Too lazy to look for books the old-fashion way(whatever that may be, I’m not sure)? Well, here’s a collection of stories just for you!

Man, that sounded like something from the home shopping network or something. Kidding aside, this is a list of stories I have read and loved. I’m not sure if I have a reading preference but this will most likely contain anything I find interesting. It may be a teen fiction, non-teen fiction, fantasy(although I’m not really that fond of fantasy, there are some exceptions) and a whole lot of other things.

The ‘chapter’ will be dedicated to the author and the external link will be the description of the story. I hope you have fun with these stories as I have.

Read and Loved(COMPLETED english must reads?)Where stories live. Discover now