𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜

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"What's the surprise?" I kept whining. Atlas merely laughed as we walked through the streets of Paris, with Emerson in tow. We'd been walking for around twenty or thirty minutes. But I didn't mind, since the weather was exceptionally good and we had been talking a lot.

"You'll have to wait, Lily." he just said, trying to contain his laughter as he stared at my puppy dog face. I nudged him in the shoulder and he just huffed. We began to head over to another café which, like the other restaurant, was on the roof. But when we climbed there, I found the whole place empty. 

Like, not even  single person over there.

I looked over to Atlas but he just smiled and led us to a table in the middle of the floor. We sat down, while Emerson just began jumping up and down. Atlas, though, went off to a corner that I thought led to the kitchen. I told Emmy to sit as I went to see what was happening and I found a woman next to Atlas who was saying something in French. 

"Y a-t-il un autre ingrédient dont vous pourriez avoir besoin?" asked the woman in fluent French. *Is there any other ingredient you might need?*

"Non, merci. Je vais le prendre à partir d'ici." Atlas replied. *No, thank you. I'll take it from here.*

I felt left out as they conversed, and a little bit of jealousy creeped in. But soon, the woman smiled at me and left and I looked at Atlas for an explanation as to why he brought us here.

"Well?" I asked.
"Well, what?" he replied.
"Why can't I see a single soul here? And what were you both talking about?" 

He seemed a bit flustered and excited as he backed up to show me a chef's hat and coat, which he began to wear. And then it hit me.

"Oh." was all I said.

Atlas grinned even wider and beckoned Emmy towards us.

"You're cooking us something?" I asked.

"Of course I am. Now, since we've already eaten our main course already, I'll be making you some delicious dessert."

Emmy became excited over 'dessert', and began to grin.

"Sweet?" she asked.

"Yup. You and me are going to cook some really yummy sweet. Do you want to help?" he said cutely.

She just nodded enthusiastically and went to him behind the counter and Atlas told me to sit down as he put his hat on Emmy's head and they both began to work together. It wasn't boring at all. Atlas kept making funny faces to make Emmy laugh, and I took lots of pictures. When he was done placing the pastries he was making into the oven, he came over to a table set up on the other side of the roof, where they had set up a speaker, and small corner filled with drinks. He took out his phone and set up the speaker, playing up Lana Del Rey's 'Say Yes to Heaven'. Then, he sauntered towards me and held out his hand. 

"We just danced, didn't we?"
He put a hand over his chest and acted like I'd hurt him.

"You don't want to dance with me? I'm offended."

I laughed as I took his hand and we began to slow-dance along the tune of this song. Atlas was humming along and we just revelled in the moment. 

"I've got my mind on you." he said, following the lyrics, and winking at me. Emmy was standing at our side, and Atlas suddenly broke the rhythm of our dance, grabbing Emmy's hand and making her hold her other one in mine. We began to revolve slowly in a circle, and Emmy giggled all along, looking at us with awed eyes. 

"You like it, Emmy?"
"I love it!" she said, slightly shaking her head to the rhythm of the song. We stayed like that for a quite a bit, before Atlas perked up and strayed from the circle to go check the pastries, or whatever they were. The delicious and fresh smells hit me as Atlas removed them from the oven, and began to decorate them. I didn't know what he was making, but it smelt really good. I checked my phone to see the time, and it had almost been an hour since we were up here. While Atlas tended to the dessert, I stood by the railing, with Emerson holding my hand. The Eiffel Tower stood tall as ever, rising above the rest of the buildings. Everything looked so...ethereal. Magical. Beautiful. I absolutely loved it. I loved that Emmy was here along with us. I loved how Atlas was making such efforts to make this trip an amazing one. 

I loved this moment and everything it brought along.

I didn't know how long I was standing there, before Emmy tugged at my dress, and motioned towards Atlas who was bringing a plate over to set at the table. He also had a vase of pink roses, which he placed in the center. I slowly walked over to it, and Atlas held out my chair for me. I felt really excited when I saw the delicious pastries. They were thin pastries or eclairs which were filled with cherries and whipped cream. The top was decorated with strawberry icing and rose petals were scattered across it. Atlas smiled as he sat down himself. Emmy didn't even wait before starting to grab one of the eclairs. She took a huge bite, and just closed her eyes, taking in the taste. But her big smile told me it was good. I took one as well and it felt like an explosion of flavours. There was the soft and creamy whipped cream, the more chunky and fresh cherry bites, and the occasional rose petals. It was just so good, all I could do was smile wide like Emmy did. Atlas did taste one, but now he was looking at me, a bit confused.

"Are they good?" he asked.

"No, they're not." I swear his shoulders slumped a bit, but I think he knew I was joking. "They're even better than good, you idiot! Why have you never made these before?"
"The idea just popped up." he said, grinning. 

"Ugh. You're acting perfect again!" I said, and then all of a sudden he began tickling me, and I laughed heartily as Emmy jeered. I was about to fall off the seat when Atlas finally stopped. 

It was all just perfect.

Atlas was just perfect.

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