xiii. in a wedding suit

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She licked her lips, her eyes slightly wide

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She licked her lips, her eyes slightly wide. Satoru. He wanted her to call him by his first name. It ... It shouldn't affect her this much! It was something so meagre, so simple. And yet ...

“Satoru,” she whispered, tasting his name on her tongue and his grin widened, “Satoru san.”

“Much better, Mayumi chan,” he leaned in closer and she could feel his breath fanning against her ear, “I hate formalities, especially between us.”

Oh good God. He was set to ruin her.

“Why are you here?” she took a step back, her voice faltering. “Never mind. I know.”

Satoru blinked, amusement flooding his eyes. “And pray what do you know, darling?”

Darling, goodness. Her breath hitched. “You are here because you're jealous.”

“What makes you think I am jealous, Mayumi chan?”

Mayumi took a step back, her back hitting the wall and she could swear that he had a smirk on his face. Well, she'd make sure that that smirk is wiped away. He had no business ruining her date.

“You are jealous because I was on a date with Okkotsu san. And that's why you barged in here.”

“What makes you think I would be jealous of that silly boy, darling?” He whispered, taking a few steps closer until they were just inches apart. She tried her best to look anywhere but him. “I have no reason to be jealous of him. Rather, he should be envious of me. For one, I can kiss his date and I know she won't stop me.”

“Do you .. do you think I am easy, Satoru san?” A look of disbelief drowned on her face as she gazed at him with shaky lips. “Are you playing with me? Just like how Megumi said?”

”Mayumi chan, no!” For the first time in her life, she saw his face pale as he shook his head. ”You're getting it wrong. I nev—”

“I need to go. I cannot deal with you right now.”

Hastily, she pushed him away and stormed outside, a small rebellious part of her wished that he'd follow her out. But he didn't.


Fushiguro Mayumi wasn't the bestest of people and she was well aware of that. Oh, she had a hot temper and she often didn't let people explain. But was she really in the wrong here? She grumbled as she cut the vegetables, her anger still not gone. He ... He wasn't supposed to play with her. And in a way, she knew that he wasn't playing with her. If he wanted to do so, he would already have bedded her or something. And that's what infuriated her the most.

He was trying to act like a boyfriend, to play into her fantasies of a nice, caring one. Even though she knew that he hated relationships. He loathed them, in fact.

So, why was he leading her hopes? Only to shatter them in the end?

“Woah, easy on the carrot, Mayu?”

A low gasp left her mouth only to find her brother. She sighed before smiling at him. The teenager was leaning against the wall, a bored expression on his face, like always. For a second, she wondered if she would ever see her brother find love or something like that.

“Don't talk smart, Gumi,” She replied with an eye roll, “how was your day?”

“Ridiculous,” He groaned, sitting on the chair, “Gojo sensei made us run extra laps for God knows why.”

A tinge of flutter ran through her body at the mention of his name and she bit her inner cheek before letting out a small ‘hm’, urging her brother to continue.

“Kugisaki thinks it's because he's not getting laid oft—”

”Fushiguro Megumi!” Mayumi almost choked as she heard him, her face heating up, “why are you and your friends discussing your teacher's private lives?”

“You make us sound like kids,” A laugh rumbled down his throat as he pinched her cheeks, letting out yelps from her, “not everyone is as innocent as you, ane-chan. Gojo sensei isn't really modest when it comes to his sexual expeditions.”

“Would you stop?” she laughed, pushing his hands away from her cheeks, “Still. I wouldn't like my brother to be so crude.”

“That's crude for you? God save the man who you marry in future!”

And Mayumi realised that she has utterly fucked up as the picture of Go— Satoru in a wedding suit threatened to rise in her mind.

a/n ; GUYS IDK WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? why would i even let my goyumi babies fight ☹️💗

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