The First and Only Chapter

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I could do this. He would forgive me. I would be fine. I repeated the words in my head over and over, but I still didn't believe the mantra. I wasn't ready to see him, even if we were sitting in the car right outside of the restaurant where I had asked him to meet me. "Feli?" Lovino asked, worried by my unusual silence. "Don't worry, you and that Potato will be fine. He'd be stupid to stay mad at you."

"His name is Ludwig, and I know but-" I was cut off by a kiss from Lovino. As my older brother pulled away I looked up at him, shocked. "Lovi, what are you-" I was interrupted again but this time it was by a finger pressed to my lips.

Lovino gave me a sad smile and spoke,"Shut up and let me talk, I've thought of what to tell you for a long time. I love you, not as a brother, but more. I want you to be with the person you love, and that's Ludwig. You might not realize it, but it's obvious that he loves you, and you love him. Figure things out with him, you guys are a great couple." He sighed, "You two would make a better couple than us anyway." Lovino muttered under his breath, the ghost of a smile still residing on his face.

"Lovino, I," I paused, at a loss for words to talk about what had just been said, "I'm so sorry. I'm just so sorry, I had no idea you felt that way, god, I'm an idiot." How had I not noticed that my fratello had loved me, how the hell do you miss that! I was a terrible younger brother. I had to fix this somehow. "Lovi, we'll talk this over at home, I promise."

"Okay, I'll," his face took on a pained expression as he was reminded of his confession. He continued after a few beats of silence "I'll tell you everything then, but right now you need to worry about you. Don't let me stop you from getting back together with him, promise me."

I nodded, a small "Sì" escaping my lips. "I promise." I said as I hugged my brother, tears spilling out of my eyes.

Lovino wiped the tears from my face before pulling me into a hug. I couldn't believe he was the one comforting me when I had made him got through unrequited love. "You'll be fine, just go to him. It'll work out, I know it."

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