Headache (Yoonmin)

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Edit// Thanks for 40k reads guys like damn that's a lot more than I deserve


I groaned lightly as I carefully lowered myself to sit on the grey sofa in the living room. I leaned back and got comfortable, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my head. I stared at Jimin, who was in the kitchen, with half lidded eyes.

'Minnie.. What're you doing?' I spoke in a tone that was barely audible, luckily the house was incredibly quiet due to the fact that it was so late and everyone else was sleeping. He didn't respond, but I know he had heard, because he glanced back at me briefly before continuing his task. I sighed and shuffled backwards so that my head was hanging over the arm of the chair and I had a clearer, but slightly uncomfortable, view of the room. I took notice of the fact that the room was incredibly clean, considering seven people lived here. I supposed Seokjin must have cleaned it whilst I was in the studio. It's not like I would have known, I was writing all day. I looked around me, noticing for the first time the appearance of the main living area. The wallpaper and the colour of the furniture were both quite plain and simple, but the room wasn't boring or anything, it just felt like home to me. I knew that there was a section of the room behind me that was a bit more colourful and was decorated with all manner of things that we, well mostly Taehyung, had collected over the years, I didn't pay much mind to that area though, because they were out of sight, out of mind, or so they say.

I began to realise how long I had been sat in that position when I felt the mild discomfort that comes with all of your blood rushing to your head. Before I let myself black out, I quickly pulled myself up and rolled back to where I was on the sofa before.
I tried to focus on Jimin in the kitchen again, only to find that I couldn't. My head was killing me and I was struggling to keep my eyes open as a result. I doubt I'll ever learn when I need to rest, I always sleep at ridiculous hours and for irregular amounts of time, which Seokjin-hyung had already pointed out to me wasn't good for my health.
I made a noise of discomfort whilst I tried to focus my vision and listened to Jimin's soft footsteps as he walked over with a glass of water and some paracetamol. I stared at him for a moment, thinking about how he always seemed to be taking care of me, even though I was perfectly capable of doing so myself. I guess I didn't mind though.
My eyes flickered away from his, breaking the silent stare between us as I propped myself up onto my elbows, so that he could pass me the glass without me spilling it everywhere.

'Hopefully this'll help,' He watched with a slightly concerned expression as I drank the icy-cold water and swallowed the tablets. 'You really shouldn't work yourself so hard, it's just making these headaches you get worse.' I shrugged my shoulders and put the glass down on the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. As much as I hated being lectured about it, I knew he was right. The only reason I got like this was because I stressed myself out so much from all the work I was constantly doing in an attempt to keep up with the other members and subsequently never allowing myself a break. Jimin was always working so hard on his dancing and singing all of the time with Jungkook and I had to make them believe I could pull my own weight somehow.

'Ah, someone has to do it, it might as well be me.' I said, trying to reassure him with as much of a smile as I could manage. 'Besides, why would I ever want to stop working when you treat me like this after I do?' It was at least half true. He sighed at my stubbornness and perched on the edge of the seat, next to my legs.

'I don't think that's the way you're meant to view this situation, hyung.' He chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to my forehead and I felt myself wishing for this moment to last forever, as silly as it may sound. 'Just... Make sure you rest well, okay?' I hummed a yes in reply and he ruffled my hair lovingly as he got up from the sofa. I could have complained at his lack of respect for myself as his elder that had been shown by that action, but I was too tired to care.
My eyes followed him as he took my glass to the kitchen and refilled it again before setting it back down next to me.
Maybe I make him worry too much...
I cast the thought away and felt my eyelids getting heavier as Jimin threw a soft blanket over my cold body and carefully tucked it around me. He leaned in and whispered something to me as he adjusted the blanket. I smiled slightly, it taking a long moment for my brain to fully process what he had said.
I vaguely registered the sensation of him brushing my messy hair out of my face as I felt my senses begin to numb out of exhaustion. His slowly retreating footsteps paired with the quiet sound of my own breathing were the only audible sounds in our dorm as he left the room and I gradually let myself fall asleep.
As I did so, I finally processed what it was he had whispered to me and I drifted off as I thought of what I would say the next time we spoke.

I love you too, Jimin.

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