🌧 unknown past

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#Payu's POV:

Rain left he didn't noticed us but we did noticed him I wanted to talk with him I want to say sorry Ik I hurt him I don't deserve his forgiveness but I really love even after our breakup I always used to read our chats and voicemails.I never liked Ple.She drugged me and made me sleep with her so that she can pursue me and I also accept to date her.It was all my mistake I should've trusted u baby I'm sorry wait....
Isn't it Rain's car?

"hey pai it's Rain's car right?".I asked him in confusion

"I think so".Pai exclaimed

Sky didn't say anything he is completely silent I can the tears falling from his eyes.
"let me go and check you both wait".pai gave me a look asking are u sure.

I got out of the car and knocked the Ferrari window.The window opened.And I was right it's Rain I saw him talking with someone in phone. He was shocked to see me. We looked at eachother for some seconds when he tried to close the window but I stopped him.

"Rain pls listen to me once pls Rain pls"

"Is there anything to talk between us huh?Why u r here if you're gf saw us together it will not be good for us go. Go talk with her".he said holding his tears.

"pls darling I can explain Ik wht I did is very wrong I don't deserve any forgiveness but still I love u I love u a lot pls.It was Ple who took your photo with that guy and I thought u were cheating on me but still I have always loved u even after our breakup trust me".

"trust u?fine if u have really loved me then why didn't u trusted me at tht time.If u have really loved me then four months later of our breakup how could u sleep with that Ple how could u date her.If u have really loved me".he said fully crying.

"Rain wht happened any prblm?"I heard pai calling.
"why ur car is here satanding"he came and started talking with Rain. He also stopped crying and casually started talking with him.

"nothing phi just my car suddenly stopped working. It's not starting I don't know wht happened"

"oh ok come with us we'll drop u"hearing that a glow came on my face I can feel tht.Pai is the best.

"no thats alright my house is very far away from here it will take a long way and it's also very late so I booked a cab no worry"

"Yeah Ik that it's very late so if ur house is very far away from here then how could u go in the cab at this night?"

"don't worry na I also booked a hotel"

"hotel? Come on Rain don't make excuses come with us tonight u will stay in our house come".what pai was asking this so casually but still I liked it .

"no phi someone's gf will mind so there's no need".both Pai and Rain looked at me and I looked down.

"no they brokeup yesterday Rain. So come".

"u sure?"

"Rain pls come there's no prblm"I told him.

"I'm not talking with u tho😏"

Pai gave me a death glare.

"come Rain. I'm like ur elder brother so u should obey me come"


"no more but come with us or else I'll kidnap u"

"ok fine".Rain agreed.

The whole ride was silent Rain was sitting in the front seat along Pai whereas I and Sky were sitting in the back.Sky and me was not able to talk while Pai was continuously chatting with Rain. We were happy to see him comfortable here. We just looked at eachother and smiled.

I'm sorry,don't leave meWhere stories live. Discover now