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Alex drives though the streets of Mystic Falls though the Town Square. She notices carnival equipment. She parks her bike and walks into the Mystic Grill.

She sits down at the bar as Matt Donovan approaches her

Matt: Welcome to the Mystic Grill. What can I get you?

Alex: Double bacon cheeseburger and a glass of whiskey, on the rocks.

Matt: I'll bring it to you in a few minutes. New to town?

Alex: Yeah.

Matt: There's a carnival taking place tonight

Alex: Is there a motel nearby?

Matt: There's one a few blocks from here.

Alex: I don't plan on staying here long. Gotta take care of some business.

Matt: Hope things go well. There's been a lot of animal attacks recently and people dying from them.

Alex: Let me guess? Bite wounds on the neck?

Matt: How'd you know?

Alex: Lucky guess.

She watches him walk away.

Alex: This place better not waste my fucking time cause I'll just kill every fucking bloodsucker here.

She hears a voice in her head

Alex: Don't worry, you'll do your thing, big guy.

She looks around the Grill

Alex: What reason do I have in staying in this bullshit town?


Bonnie: The ring toss is out of Bart and Homer dolls and Team Jacob T's.

Elena: Okay, I can grab some from the science club. Also we lost a speaker in the karaoke room.

Bonnie: Hey, all good Elena, take a beat, look around. This is a huge success.

Elena: You mean I can do more than just freak vampire havoc?

Bonnie: Go figure.

They giggle, Elena smiles. She looks at a man who is repairing one of the stands.

Elena: Hey, Carter, right? You're with the carnival.

Carter: That'll be me.

Elena: Okay, great.

Carter: (He looks at Bonnie) Wow, what do you need beautiful?

Bonnie: What do you know about karaoke speakers?

Carter: Why don't you show me the problem?

Elena: (Motioning encouragingly with her eyes.) Yeah Bonnie, show him the problem.

Bonnie: Okay, come on.

Elena smiles watching Bonnie and Carter walk away.

Alex is walking though the carnival when a growl escapes her lips and her eye twitches, she smells the scent of a vampire.

She follows the scent and spots Damon Salvatore and Jeremy Gilbert.

Damon: Jeremy, it's so good to see you alive.

Jeremy: Aren't you a little old for a high school carnival?

Damon: A hundred and fifty years too old. (He takes some of Jeremy's popcorn and eats it.)

Jeremy: You're pretty funny cracking jokes when I could I don't know...blow the whole lid off this thing by telling someone what you really are.

Damon grabs him and takes him away from the crowd. Alex follows them

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