First day of school/sleepover! - nathen doe

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  writers note: if you are impatient like me the smut is in bold and have fun reading pookies<3

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  writers note: if you are impatient like me the smut is in bold and have fun reading pookies<3

 you wake up to your mom and brother fighting like usual you get out of bed and you wear baggy green jeans and a white tight crop top with your black converse you do your makeup and get your bag ready for school "GET DOWN HERE YOUR GONNA BE LATE" your mom yells so you go downstairs and run to the bus.  you sit next to a boy with red hair and hes talking to a girl with black hair and she looks so gorges you decide to listen to doja cat and the boy hears it through your air pods "OMG YOU LISTEN TO DOJA CAT!?" i take my airppods out "oh. uh yeah you want a airpod?" "OMG YES!! also im nick by the way and this is madi" madi smiles and waves and i smile at her back "oh im (your name)" "oh wow thats a super pretty name!" madi says as she looks through her backpack "i love that name to" nick says as the bus stops at our school.

the school looks way bigger then i thought it would be i get in the school and go straight to connect (in my school its called connect but its like homeroom) i see nick but not madi. nick is with 3 other boys nick sees me and gestures me to come over i sit next to nick 

 i see the most perfect blonde boy ever and we make eye contact which seemed like forever "oh heres some of my friends" nick says making me break the eye contact with the blonde boy and i look over at the other boys they look just like nick but with brown hair "the one with the long brown hair is Chris" i smile at Chris and he smiles back "the browned haired one with the middle part is Matt" Matt looks up once he hears his name and he smiles at me "and the blonde one is Nate" Nate.. the perfect name for the perfect boy Nate holds his hand out for me to shake it i shake his warm hands "nice to meet you" Nate says as i stare into his  blue eyes "nice to meet you im (your name)" Nate smiles as we both take our hands away "wow a pretty name for a pretty girl" i blush and smile and i see a smirk grow on Nate's face "EW YOU GUYS ARE GROSS!" nick yells and the whole class looks at us "that's insane" Chris and Matt both say at the same time i giggle a bit as the class goes back to whatever they were doing the teacher walks in and starts class.

after class i walk with Nate to 2nd period  bc we have that class together we walk in and sit next to each other in the back of the class room Madi walks in the class and sees me and Nate and raises her eyebrows up and down while giggling and i giggle too as Madi sits next to me 

(ok im to lazy to right the rest of the school day im so cute girl aesthetic anyways back to the story pookies)

when school ends nate asked me to go to his house bc everyone's gonna go and sleepover and watch some movies and of course i agreed matt is the only one who can drive and he has a mini van so we could all fit in it and he drove all of us to nates house

 right as we get there madi pulls something out of her bag "i got us all matching pjs!! and (your name) i didnt know your size but you look like a X-small" she says as she gives everyone there pjs "i am a X-small also thanks!" madi smiles and nods as we all get out of the car 

 we change into our pjs we all watch movies after we finally agree on one "I wanna watch casper!!!" chris complains "NO WE ARE WATCHING HOME ALONE!" nick yells "nooo i wanna watch twilight" madi says "no!" everyone says at the same time "what about a adam sandler movie?" i hesitantly suggest "OMG YES!!!" madi says "ooooo great idea" matt says "adam sandler is so daddy" nick says "thats crazy" chris says before sitting next to matt on the couch and putting a adam sandler movie on as i sit down on the couch and nate sits next to me after 3 movies it was already dark so we decided to make a huge fort by the time we got that done it was 10pm and we try and go inside the fort but it broke (womp womp)

me and nate slept on the couch nick and madi in the guest room and matt in nates room 

(ik they go to sleep super late like 2am-5am but just pretend ok? OK!? good love ya pookies)

i couldnt fall asleep and nate was already asleep so i decide to get some water i go to the kitchen and i find the cups but they were so high up and i couldn't reach i try going on my tiptoes and still couldn't reach i then see a hand grab a cup and i feel a body behind me i turn around and it was Nate "i didn't need help" i say i as i cross my arms "oh really seemed like you needed it" "well i didnt" "well then ill just put it back" "WAIT NO IM SORRY!" i say as i grab the cup from his hand and walk away and 

right as i start walking away i feel i warm hand grab me by the waist i freeze "no dont walk away come back here" i stay still and he pulls me by the waist and i let him and i turn around as he presses his lips against mine and i kiss him back and my hand cups his cheek he lifts me up while still kissing me and i wrap my legs around his waist as he lays me in the couch as he starts kissing my neck leaving hickeys in all different sizes and he keeps going down i knew it was a bad idea i just couldn't get myself to say it he gets to my pants and looks up at me "is this ok" i nod (HOLY FUVK I JUST REMEMBERED MY FRIEND HAS MY ACC UMMMMM.... HEY SASHAAAA I HAVE NO EXPLANATION also 1120 words already!? damn) nate starts unbuttoning my pants as he slowly pulls them down he looks at me before taking of my underwear (SASHA IF YOUR STILL HERE PLEASE STOP READING... I MEAN NOW PLEASE :3) Nate throws my underwear and pants somewhere on the floor as he looks at my vagina and he looks mesmerized he then pushes his finger in me as a moan escapes my mouth "shhh we have to be quiet they might hear us" i nod as Nate's finger go in and out of me "OH FU-" i get cut of by nates hand on my mouth all my mouth are muffled "be quiet" he said demandingly which was kinda hot ngl. Nate pulls his fingers out of me for the last time he removes his hand off my mouth to reveal my heavy breathing he then pulls down his pants and boxers to reveal his rock hard dick i gasp at the sight as i get wet he the gets on top of me as he asks "are you ready?" i nod and then the finds my entrance and slips his hard dick in me i moan and nate covers my mouth with his hand "be quiet!" he says damendingly and ofc i do whatever he says he start thrusting in me and i let out a muffled moan and nate whimpers in pleasure "F- fuck im gonna           c- cum" he says 

his body shakes in pleasure as he cums in me he pulls out of me and his cum is dripping out of me "fuck i love you" nate says "i love you too.." i say as i hear a floor board creek upstairs me and nate look at eachother then we quickly get our clothes on 

Chris comes downstairs and sees me and Nate sitting on the couch breathing heavy he rubs his eyes and goes to the kitchen and gets some water and goes back upstairs me and Nate sigh in relief

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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