The Move

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Moving to the Outer Banks was not exactly what I had planned for my summer but it's better than being back home., as if it's was ever my home. Here isn't going to be much better. My aunt only took me in to inherit her wealth. She doesn't care for me, she just didn't want it going to some charity. She works like crazy and so I won't ever even see her but if she's as bad as my dad said then I would be happy about that. Trusting my dad is not a normal occurrence but I figure just this once so I'm not going I'm completely blind. I step out of the taxi as it parks on the street of a large white beach house. I take my suitcase from the back and walk up the path to the door. I don't see a car in the drive way and the door seemed to be locked. I put down my backpack and suitcase and started to look around for a key. In the plant, above the door, under the mat, and then I the light to which I did find it with a small letter attached to it.

"You dear are very smart to have found this. This is your key to the house."

She sounded sweeter than expected. I unlock the door and walk in. The house was white, clean, and very bright. On the right of me was a nice living room. The couch's were a light gray with a black glass coffee table in the middle. In front of it was a TV with a large TV stand leaning against the wall. On either side were plants and a bookshelf's. A light blue rug with details under all the furniture. Straight ahead of me was a staircase leading upstairs and behind it was a dinning table. Across from the staircase was a kitchen. It was white with black and gray marble on the counters. The island table was big with a beautiful light sitting above it. The walls were tall so the cabinets were twice the size I have ever seen in order to reach the top. The fridge was large, the sink was big and on top of the stove was another stove. The counters stay mostly clear other than the extravagant coffee maker a paper towels. As if the dinning room wasn't any more fancy there was also a back patio room. The view was absolutely gorgeous! I so planned on reading a few good books in the hanging chair that was sitting in the corner. I headed upstairs to find my room. The hall was long with white doors lining the hall. Two of the doors were left wide open. One of the rooms has a bed was in the middle of the room with a light pink bed set and a few very cute pillows nicely set. The ceiling curved on the side opposite to the door, a detail in the room I love. The shelves in the room were kept bear so I could fill it with my own touch. I had a dresser, desk, closet and a few cute chairs. Brown stacks of boxes sat in the middle of my room with my name on them. Those can be put away later. I set my suitcase and backpack down next to the bed and opened the window curtains. One looked out to the street which just looked to up tight for my taste but the other looked out to the ocean. I went outside of the room and saw that the other door was a very modern fancy bathroom. The shower was and large stand in shower with a sleek glass wall. In the corner there was even a jacuzzi. The cabinets were kept bear except for hand soap. Next to the counter was a shelf mainly full of towels and the rest of the shelves were empty other than one full of pads and tampons. A towel warmer sat next to a white laundry hamper next to the door. This was so incredibly fancy. I was starting to get hungry and went downstairs to find something to snack on. As I was looking into the fridge I heard the door open.

"Aria?" A woman called.

I stepped out of the kitchen and found the woman setting her purse down on the floor as she scanned the house. She wore a black pantsuit with a light blue shirt on under it, silver jewelry and black heel's. She had light blond wavy hair that reached a little past her shoulders. Was that Aunt May? I don't know what I was expecting but it wasent that, to be fair I also didn't expect this much money around me. I

"Ah perfect, sorry I couldn't get out of work earlier to greet you. How was your flight?" She asked with a smile.

She sounded so sweet which lead me to another disappointing thought of my father.

"Good. Long but good." I answered. I didn't know what to expect right now so I wasn't answering as nicely as I probably should have.

"Oh right, sorry. I'm not sure what your father may have told you but it's probably something not so good. I want to set the record straight that after my sister died, your mother I had not had contact with anyone including your father. I had no idea he was even doing anything until two years ago but I had to know for a fact that he was hurting you before I could move forward. The second I did, I started to try and find ways to get you here. It took was to long and o regret that but your here now. I also want you to know that even if I am not here to often, I still am very happy you are here. I will try to be here for dinner every night but I cannot promise anything's." She clarified and waited for a moment before changing the topic. I appreciate that, I would be very happy to not hear about my father for the rest of my life. "Did you find your room and your bathroom?"

"It's my own bathroom?" I asked with surprise.

"Yes, there are quite a few in this house. I tend to have people over for dinner here and there for business and pleasure. With that being said, I wanted you to have your own bathroom." She explained.

"Thank you."

"Of course. Now I do have another surprise for you in the garage." She said as she began making her way to the last door down the hallway in the dinning room.

I was curious and followed. The garage was cold and gray as every other garage I had ever seen looked. What caught my eye was the shelf of surf boards. There was a dark blue one, purple one, and a turquoise blue. All in dire need of wax and water. The turquoise blue look almost identical to my mom's bored, it was even filled with the same stickers she had on hers. I didn't think it was hers considering it went missing a few months after mom passed. I just thought dad threw it away in spite of me. The garage fit three cars, one spot had a black convertible, another had a small nice looking gray car, and the last one had a light pink jeep. She took keys off a small cabinet by the door and started walking to the end of the garage where the pink jeep was. She held out the keys as if she wanted me to take them.

"I hope you like it, I thought light pink would be a safe choice." She commented.

"Are you being for real?" I asked surprised, I almost couldn't believe it.

She let out a laugh. "Yes." I hesitated to take the keys. "And your dirt bike should be arriving tomorrow after head to the bank. I have a few things we need to take of there including getting you a card." She began telling me as we walked out of the garage.

I stoped walking abruptly. Aunt May had stoped a few steps ahead of me and turned to face me. "Why are you doing all of this?" I asked.

Her smile fell and her eyes started to water. "For your mother. Sofia meant everything to me and I wasn't exactly the best sister of Aunt. You don't deserve what happened and you certainly don't deserve what your father's been doing. I want to give you what you deserve, what you should have had, and what your mother was trying to give you."

We were quiet and didn't move for a while. The sun was going down. "How about we watch one Sofias favorite movies when she was young? We can order dinner online." Aunt May suggested.

I smiled and nodded. "Perfect, let's get changed into something more comfortable like pajamas."

"Sounds perfect." I said following her up the stairs.

We both met downstairs and decided on ordering Thai food (mine and mom favorite). We put on the Princess Bride and waited for the food. It took about twenty minutes to get here and when it did Aunt May answerd the door in her pjs. That's what I would do but I don't have a ton of money. I expected her to get changed or have me get it, or anything except get it in that state. I quickly looked it over as we started to dig in.

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