Ride of her life

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The late afternoon sun cast elongated shadows across the weathered docks of False Bay, the air at the docks held a salty tang, a mingling scent of fish and the vast ocean. Jonas Taylor was hunched over his weathered boat, hands deftly maneuvering tools, trying to coax life back into the old vessel. The air hummed with the distant cries of seagulls and the rhythmic lapping of waves against the wooden pier.

As Jonas tightened a stubborn bolt, his attention momentarily drifted to the horizon, where the cerulean expanse met the cloud-studded sky. The bay, with its mercurial temperament, held stories untold beneath its undulating surface. Stories he was not too eager to learn. That was an old life. He was busy fixing his water residence, and barely noticed the small figure approaching until a voice disrupted his concentration.

"What's your name?" A young girl asked curiously.

"Jonas," he replied, looking up from his work.

"Like the Jonas brothers?!" she exclaimed, evidently enthusiastic for an affirmative reply.

Jonas smiled at her innocence, "Not at all," he replied with a grin, enjoying deliberately disappointing her.

"Oh," she frowned momentarily. "I'm Mey."

Jonas resumed his boat repairs. "Your mom lets you be at the docks all alone, Mey?"

"My mom works at The Fishnet," Mey explained, stretching her arm to point out the snack shack nearby. "She makes the best seafood tacos. You should try some."

"Maybe I will, thanks," Jonas said, appreciating the friendly gesture.

Mey continued her line of questioning, intrigued by the stranger at the docks. "So, what are you doing?" she inquired.

"Fixing my boat," Jonas explained, wiping his hands on a rag. "Snagged on some rocks."

"Are you a menic?" Mey asked.

"No. I'm not a mechanic. I'm a diver, or I used to be," he replied wistfully.

"What are you now?" Mey persisted.

"Don't know. You ask a lot of questions," Jonas teased, his smile returning.

"I'm 6. What do you expect?" Mey retorted playfully.

"Right. You good for more than talk?" Jonas asked, sizing her up.

"Yeah!" Mey exclaimed, eager to prove herself.

"Great! Pass the tools there, will you?" Jonas asked, pointing to the toolbox.

Mey eagerly helped, passing tools whenever Jonas needed them. They worked together, focused and determined, the conversation weaving in and out of moments of shared laughter and quiet concentration. Finally, after what seemed like hours of hard work, they put the finishing touches on the boat.

With a satisfied grin, Jonas admired their handiwork. "Thanks for the help, Mey. You're quite the assistant."

Mey jumped up to high five him.

"So, what do you say we test this beauty out?"

Mey's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yeah!" she exclaimed, eager to embark on an adventure.

Jonas helped Mey onto the boat, and they set off, the engine humming to life. The boat cut through the water with a newfound grace, the wind tousling their hair as they glided along the coast.

As they approached the bend on the return journey, Mey spotted her mother busy at work. Her eyes widened with joy, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

"There's mommy!" Mey exclaimed, leaning out and jumping up and down, waving enthusiastically to get her mother's attention.

Her mother looked up, and her face lit up with a warm smile. However, noticing Mey with Jonas, a flicker of concern crossed her features. She hadn't seen Jonas before and worried about her daughter being with a stranger. She stepped out of the shop towards the water, trying to take a closer look.

Mey continued to wave, completely absorbed in her effort to catch her mother's eye. In her enthusiasm, she leaned a bit too far, and the boat rocked unexpectedly. The next moment, Mey lost her balance and tumbled over the side, splashing into the water.

Mey's mother sprinted out towards the docks. "Mey!"

Jonas reacted swiftly, bringing the boat to a stop and dove into the water to get Mey. Her arm was stuck in some weeds and Jonas cut her out and pulled her out of the water. He had her on his arm, head above the water, and swam to the nearby docks.

Jonas hauled her up to the docks and Mey mother quickly pulled her up, hugging her and fervently checking her over.

Jonas pushed himself out of the water and wiped a hand over himself to wring it out as much water as he could. He noticed his new friend crying in her mother's embrace and made the error of stepping close. Mey's mother's emotions exploded into a surge of panic and protective instinct. In a split second, fueled by fear and a rush of adrenaline, she reacted instinctively. Her fist flew out, landing a forceful punch squarely on Jonas's face.

The impact echoed through the air, and Jonas staggered backward, a searing pain shooting through his nose. Blood trickled down, staining his shirt. Shock registered on his face as he stumbled, momentarily stunned by the unexpected blow.

Mey's mother, overwhelmed by fear and a mother's fierce protective instinct, stood between her daughter and the stranger who, in her eyes, had put Mey in harm's way. Her eyes blazed with a mix of concern, anger, and anxiety as she picked Mey up onto her hip, shielding her from any perceived danger.

Jonas held a hand to his bleeding nose, his eyes wide with surprise and hurt. He took a step back, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Stay away from my daughter," she warned, and took her daughter home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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