Chapter 1

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Time: 12:45

Nastuo has created a new group chat

Natsuo added Fuyumi, Shouto, and Touya

Fuyumi: Natsuo..

Natsuo: What?

Shouto: Hey guys.

Fuyumi: Why did you add Touya? Yk, he's gone..

Natsuo: Don't say that!! He isn't.. he is probably out there living a better life.

Shouto: Why are y'all talking about Touya? 🤔

Touya: Yeah, why are y'all talking about me?

Fuyumi: Oh. My. God.

Natsuo: Touya!! You're alive?! Omg! Can we meet and talk?! Please!

Touya: Oh.

Touya: Mb, I didn't mean to respond. Bye.

Touya has left the group chat.

Natsuo has added Touya to the group chat.

Touya: What now?

Fuyumi: Touya! Why didn't you come back home!!


Touya: Hmmmm.. nope.

Shouto: I feel left out. 😪

Touya: As you should.

Fuyumi: Touya! That isn't so nice.

Touya: Don't care. Didn't ask. Now, leave me alone, I'm really busy.

Natsuo: Busy doing what? 🤨

Touya: Doing Hawks. Now, fuck off.

Shouto: What?

Natsuo: 😰

Fuyumi: You're doing what now?

Touya: Omfg. You all are a bunch of cock blockers.

Fuyumi: Sorry..?

Natsuo: Oh.

Shouto: I'm confused rn.

Natsuo: Good.

Touya: Now he doesn't want to do it anymore because I kept getting notifications from you guys.

Fuyumi: Ok. There is no need to tell us why. OMG, I NEED TO TELL DAD AND MOM THAT YOU'RE ALIVE. Oh, and tell dad you're with Hawks..

Touya: WOAH. DO NOT tell anyone, especially Enji.

Fuyumi: Too late..

Touya: Omfg.

Fuyumi: Forgive me, Natsuo..

Natsuo: What?

Fuyumi has added Enji and Rei

Natsuo: BRO, WHY?!

Enji: Fuyumi, what is this?

Fuyumi: Well, this is now the family group chat.

Rei: Oh! How cute! 🥰

Natsuo: Where did the word "family" come from?

Shouto: When two people fall in love and create children in the middle of the night.

Fuyumi: Shouto.

Touya: He ain't lyin' tho

Enji: Touya..

Rei: No, that isn't Touya.. I don't believe it.

Touya: Believe or not. I don't care either way.

Fuyumi: I forgot to tell dad that Touya is dating someone..

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