Lord Voldemort and the Unfortunate Flair for the Dramatic

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The Third Task approached faster than expected.

It wasn't that Draco had forgotten the date as much as he had been actively avoiding it, so as not to cause himself to spiral into a pit of anxiety. He completely ignored the impending Task in the hopes that it would simply pass by without him noticing, or perhaps time would stop and it would not happen at all.

This did not happen.

Lo and behold, on the same date he remembered and that had been told, the Third Task was to take place.

Harry was handling it terribly well, Draco thought, even managing to console him that he'd be fine and he'd worry even less if Draco wasn't there in the graveyard with him, where danger would be near. He had insisted Draco should not be one of those who would be stationed as back up lest something go wrong, much to Draco's frustration.

He wanted to be able to protect Harry. He didn't want the same trauma to be inflicted upon him all over again, and had made that very clear to all of the adults involved in the operation through a rather concise bout of shouting and a string of colourful expletives. Dumbledore - ever the pacifist - who had been subjected to Draco's incensed raging, had calmly explained to him why he couldn't be there, and that Harry himself had requested Draco remain at Hogwarts where he would be safe. At this, Draco had called him a 'bald-faced liar' and proceeded to storm up to Gryffindor tower and interrogate Harry himself.

As it happened, Dumbledore had been telling the truth.

Harry explained that he wouldn't be able to focus properly on the situation if he was fretting about Draco, and it would be safer for both of them if he would just stay in the stands. Draco was entirely displeased with this arrangement, staunchly professing that he would not settle to be a bystander whilst Harry risked his life. However, after lots of kissing, a promise from Harry to put himself before any heroics, and a carefully crafted threat to all those responsible for Harry's safety, Draco was finally satisfied with not going.

Instead, he spent his time in the days leading up to the task breezing through schoolwork before dragging Harry to the Shrieking Shack. There, they would kiss and dance and grind against one another in a mess of murmured 'I love you's, soft touches, caramel and lavender. It seemed idyllic for all of three weeks, spending days with friends, talking and laughing, and his evenings either with Harry alone or Harry and the 'Awares'.

The 'Awares' was a new nickname created by Pansy for the group of them who knew about Harry and Draco's true identity. Hermione had campaigned for something slightly less pointed, however at Ron's obvious satisfaction at being apart of a group with information which others knew not, she let it go. Hence, the 'Awares' was what stuck.

Draco had revelled in the peace of his life at that time. It was all going smoothly, he had a boyfriend whom he loved dearly, friends who cared for him and grades which were better than ever before. It was all perfect.

Or at least - that was - until the Third Task crept up on him like a spider in the dark.

The morning of, Pansy sat in his bed, after her Communiball had turned orange - all the 'Awares' having been given their own - brushing his hair back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear to try to calm him down.

"No, no, Pansy I can't-"

"Shh, shh, darling it's okay!" She shushed. Her voice was quiet despite the Silencing Charm around his bed. His dorm mates were still sleeping soundly.

"No!" Draco hiccoughed, "It won't be okay-" Hic "What if I lose him? Pansy I can't lose him if he-" Hic "gets hurt or- or worse, what if he-"

"Shh, no, don't say that!" She consoled, "He won't die! Nothing bad will happen to him, okay? He's protected this time," She paused, Hic, went Draco, and she continued, "It won't be like it was in your time, darling. He'll come back safe."

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