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A man in a dark trench coat and a cane with a skull design walks though the woods. He looks up at the moon and smirks showing his demonic face with long sharp teeth and black eyes with red glowing briefly

Mephisto: Ah Mystic Falls. Birthplace of the Originals. What a shithole. Brimstone and a hint of vengeance. My Little Rider is out hunting and my Johnny boy will be here soon. Would be shame if someone got in their way?

Alex: Run little vamps!

She swings her chain around like a lasso. Damon and Stefan are running though the woods panting heavily.

Damon: We gotta find a way to kill that damn thing or distract it

Stefan: Are you fucking insane? You can't kill a Rider. No one can

Damon: Well we're gonna have to jump it. One of us has to be bait while the other sneaks up on it.

Stefan: This is stupid

Damon: You got a better idea. You find something to hit it with and make a run for it

Stefan: Let's do this

Alex comes to a stop and leaps off her bike smelling the sin and guilt in the air.

She holds her chain keeping the hellfire low as she walks though the forest. She hears whooshing noises all around her.

Alex: Come out and play with me, you sons of bitches! I wanna play!

She stomps on the ground unleashing a blaze of hellfire around her, the trees are burned and the ground scorched leaving ashes and burnt dirt.

Stefan and Damon hears sinister chuckling and looks back seeing a middle aged man in the dark trench coat holding the cane walking past them.

Mephisto: My little Rose.

He turns to the two vampires.

Mephisto: What are you looking at?

He shows his demonic face

Mephisto: Scram. Oh hello Ripper.

The brothers turns and vamp speeds away. Alex places her hand on her forehead and growls

Alex: What the hell do you want?

She pulls out her Winchester infused shotgun and hits the man in the side of his face, he stumbles back revealing half his face blown off then it heals itself. He chuckles.

Mephisto: I see Johnny's taught you his manners.

Alex: Only when they fuck you over. You promised you would heal my brother from cancer and guess what? He dies the next day then you make me your errand bitch.

Mephisto: I promise to make your big bro back to healthy as a horse. I never said anything about him living.

Alex: Fuck you.

Mephisto: You humans are all the same. You get something and then whine about it.

Alex: What are you doing here?

Mephisto: I've watched you for a long time. Took down the entire gang of vampires outside New Orleans. Gave me in with Marcel Gerard.

Alex: Since when do you give a shit about any of that?

Mephisto: Vampires are beneath me. I do have a interest in those brothers you are chasing. Stefan Salvatore. The Infamous Ripper of Monterey. He has a high kill count and puts his victims back together. Such a shame he's not like that anymore. So broody and boring. Makes me want to puke. Johnny's been after him for years and yet he is here, trying to be better.

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