The land weeped blood as the fighting began. Brother against brother, country man against countryman sounds like the beginning of a history lesson on the war between the North and the South. It is not. This war came after much later durning the information age. Knowledge was at anyone's finger tip. With the click of a mouse you could be contact with anyone in the world. That is why the very earth trembled when the war began.
During the elections the least popular candidate was elected. The seeds of discontent being sowed. It was common knowledge this man was a globalist who wanted a monarchy. A call to arms went out that day. Come join the revolution. Keep our sovereignty.
Little did we know the message was a little to late. People had started to disappear or out right die. Accidents happen every day. Our parents tried with everything they had. Down to their last breath. The opposition was to strong, to global for one country to stand alone. America is now lost. Ruled again by terany and oppression.
I speak to you now as a resistance fighter. Their apparent victory only drove us underground. They call us sleeper cells and all but the strongest believe us to be terrorists. The reprogmaning campaign was almost successful in twisting right to wrong and wrong to right. The fatal flaw was to have the children watch while their parents were torchered then murdered. I am a program of that botched programing. When I was seven my mother and I were captured on the way home from a food run.
We were transported to a place that used to be the happiest place on earth. It now resemble a Nazi concentration camp then play ground for children. All joy and love being sucked away by hate. For three months I watched as my mother was beaten and raped every night. During the day I sat in a conference room made into a classroom. There they tried to rewrite history. Trying to replace Americas freedom with a ruling council. Trying to make us believe that they were always in power. We who knew freedom even for a short time were not converted. I could not believe a word they said as nightly I watched my beautiful mother shrivel and grow weaker. Food and water were strictly controlled so she never had a chance to regain her strength. On the last day she grabbed my hand and made me swear to continue to fight. " Never loose who you are. Rember and find a way to escape." Then she was gone. I could not cry. I had to figure a way out. Where would I go if it were possible?
I had already been branded as part of the resistance so I knew if I could get out one of the groups would take me in. The hard part would be getting away without being caught. My opportunity came not even a day after my mother's body was thrown into the grave pits. It came in the form of a twisted guard that perfered little girls. His house was the last on the property. It backed up to a tightly wooded marsh. He liked to kill his girls and keep their bodies in the back. I was young not dumb. I could use my size and his penchant for knife play to my advantage.
When he came for me I went willingly. Letting him believe me broken. At his house he locked me in his bedroom while he got something to eat. The bastard brought back a small plate of bread and cheese for me to eat while he sat out his knives. A sadistic smile spread across his lips as nine deadly tools were removed from their supple leather case. I'm not clear on how I ended in his lap. Those memories come to me in horid red flashes. My small white hand reaching for the knife while he was distracted by biting my neck. I cringed in pain but my resolve never waivered. He didn't even notice the small scrape as a pulled the knife between us. His genitals were so hard I could feel it through his pants. I knew the more heated he became the better my chances were for a killing blow. As he tried to undress me I struck one blow to the juggler. Crimson blood gushed. A killing blow but not enough. I withdrew the knife to plunge it in over and over again. Blood running erery where soaking through everything. Drenched in his filth I got off of him and went to wash. I cleaned up on auto piolet as his body cooled. No one expected him until is ten am shift in the morning. That left me a little under ten hours to get far enough away so as not to be a suspect in his slaying. I would be written off as another casualty and forgotten. I was now a killer at seven to this day I feel no remorse.
Not wanting to risk detection I slipped out through the bedroom door. Stepping straight into his personal killing field. Less than ten feet from the door a small body hung by its ankles having just barely been slaughtered. It still dripped blood in a small pool on the ground. I wretched as I realize that I had seen this girl just the day before. She had sat by me in reprogramming. She had been sweet. Gullible enough to almost be a true believer. How could anyone do this? No time no time my mind screamed. Have to keep moving. My feet followed this command. I ran leaving no time to register the mass amount of children's bodies back there. The sorrow left here was suffocating. I could feel the desperation of those lost here. They reached out to me forcing me further from this hell. I don't know how many days passed before my body gave out collapsing in a shallow field of new wheat.
Floating through the air I dreamed of heaven. My mothers smiling race shining down on me. " You made it baby. Freedom its time to wake up." She whispered.