Yue's gift to Alfred

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In the beautiful city of Benjing, China, a young Chinese woman is in her room, complicating on her hand-made gift for her husband, as the many  spirits of her ancestors kept trying to make her believed that her husband would be delighted to receive such a wonderful gift, afterall she made it with such care and love.

"I'm sure he'll love it!" Cried one ancestor.

"It's  beautiful, stop worrying so much, or you'll get wrinkles!" Joked another.

"AIYAA! Shut up! I can't think straight... I know I'll buy him everything he likes and leave this at the very bottom!"

The ancestors all signed in disappointment as Yue orders lot's of gifts online from her phone.
Alfred was patiently waiting for his wife at Huangpu Park in Shanghai, she said it was for something very important.

"Alfred!" Alfred turned just in time to see his wife with a big shopping cart filled of all sorts of expensive gifts.

"I hope you enjoyed them, it took forever to... wait where are you going!?"

Yue runs after her husband who drags the shopping cart behind him to a local orphanage and begins to donate them to a group of children of different age groups from kids to teenagers.

Yue smiles in pride at how happy Alfred made each and every child, before he reaches for the very last present hidden from under the other gifts with his name on it.

"Aiyaa! Don't worry about that one it's..." Yue is left speechless as Alfred opens the gift to find her handmade scarf and she's even more shocked when he takes off the one he's already wearing to wear her's instead and wraps his around her neck, before pulling her into a kiss of thanks.

From that day, every chirstmas eve Yue is up to work making all kinds of winter attire for Alfred, from hats and scarfs to mittens and even making adorable mini plushies.

Merry Christmas from the Jones/Huwang family to yours

Yue's Chirstmas Gift Where stories live. Discover now