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Niall's pov
"Hey weirdo ever think of going to the dentist to get those false braces fixed and get real ones to fix your teeth faster",

"How about a face surgeon to get all that ugly out..oh wait they can't because you'll always be ugly" There it is again, the bullying..a every day thing,

I know I'm not the best looking guy around but..why me..I ask myself this every fucking day..why Niall Horan..why the only Irish lad in LA High..

"Move it blonde!" I got pushed but held my ground, Every day of my life been a living hell, my dad use to beat my brother and I, until one day he decided to leave Greg, my mother and I, my mum is a drunk and Greg is married with a kid now.

I still live with my mum to make sure she doesn't get too drunk and harms herself, in school I was always bullied because I wasn't as good looking as the other guys or because I wore non name brand clothes and because I wore glasses, I thought they looked cool but...everyone else thought other wise.

Well that was until I met..Selena Gomez, I met her in seventh grade we had almost every class together, she was so popular but she never payed attention to me...well who would I was the school's ghost no one cared about me.

Selena is a sweet girl, She finally started to notices me in freshmen year of high school, we had gym and math class together, in gym class I would always sit at the benches to watch her practice with the other girls..it sounds creepy but it isn't there was other people watching...

But the bullying never seem to die down, they seem to get wroth when the school found out I was crushing on Selena Gomez, fuck them because guess what...I Niall James Horan gets to take Selena Maria Gomez out, hold her hand, kiss her, hug her, anything I wanna do..I really thought that was going to help but I was so wrong,

"Hey baby" My girlfriend cheerful yelled wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me in a tight hug I put my arms around her waist,

"Hey baby" I mumble against her shoulder, I love Selena I knew since the day we met, but I haven't told her because we only been dating for 5 months and well she hasn't said anything,

She placed her hands on either side of my cheeks smiling with that beautiful smile that I love so,

"You look so adorable baby" Selena bit her lip looking over me, I wore a plan black v-neck with matching black jeans along with white vans this is like the usual outfit I wear cause my closet is only full of black v-necks or white also just black jeans and my vans.

"Selena no I don't" she pouted placing her hands behind my neck rubbing my neck softly,

"Yes, you do baby, don't let anyone say other wise" she smiled kissing my cheek,

I nodded I always listen to Selena she always knows how to make me feel better but lately it hasn't been working

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked she giggled bring her hands back to my cheeks,

"You don't have to ask, just kiss me" I leaned in putting our lips in a soft tender kiss, I tighten my grip around her waist pulling her closer, I felt like my walls were about to brake down, Selena always seems to made me weak, I just wanted to cry and scream

Today is just not my day, all the care and tenderness Selena gives off to me makes me want to cry, how can a person so gentle love a freak like me?

"Niall...baby" Selena mumbled pulling away slightly I bit my bottom lip sighing

"Baby are you okay" Selena asked grabbing a hold of my face

"Babe talk to me" I didn't say anything but took a deep breath letting a few tears go,

"Niall please...talk to me" she pulled me in a tight hug I hugged right back tightening my hold on her as if she was going to disappear.

"Gross, fag, bitch, fagget, ugly shit, dick head, freak"

"Leave me alone" I mumble against Selena's shoulder, I felt my eyes water again I took a deep breath sighing Selena kissed my head rubbing my back.

A/n: I'm redoing this book hope you all enjoy 🤤

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