6. Dream series: Youth

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The day has come, I fly into this land
Where the sun blooms like a flower and
Its rays shine into a world of mirrors
Here I come, to taste 'An age, like palm wine.'
To paint the melodies of my desire.
To be one among the million star lights

Now, I'm a bird gliding over the waters
Fishing for dreams hidden in the seas,
I spread my wings wide, I fly, I sink
Holding close my faith and belief

Jumping like a tide pursuing the shore
I melt with the foams, I'm lost with the winds
Sometimes just hitting a rock by the beach
I burst within myself, high and low

Harsh rough gravel or soft colourful pebbles, I step upon both
Switching between red and green, I never stop
When buried in the sweet sweats, I am taught to smile
When drops of fear, wet the bones
On a feeble leaf of hope, I try to float
Drawn into this world, the old one I left behind
Roots of my new ME, lingering in the air
All flavours I begin to taste
Being the true me that is rightfully me.

Bright like a summer cloud, everyone wishes to shine
Yet this is a journey to travel alone and call it 'just mine.'
Failure comes, pricking like thorns
But it's okay, ahead of this, is a better start
Regrets and sorrows, Pleasure and pain,
All along the way, the seasons change
But nights and mornings together make a day
And spring comes not often, just live it today

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