13. Dream Series: So far, So better

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Sailing on the winter nights
In the midst of the sea
Stumbling with the waves
From the water and from within
Directionless, you think if you are
Holding the helm in your palm
Look at how far you have come
Against the force of the weather
The journey was so far, so better..!

When in the deformity of nothingness,
You yearned for reality to hatch
You drained up the energy, stayed up the night
Cocooned in the dreams, life went on, but
For all those things from the checklist you've struck off
You were sure to wake up a minute before your alarm called
When with dedication, you always picked risks
You chose carefully, step by step, You bent
You learnt, pressing your comforts to rest
Well, no matter what, you did it so far, so better..!

If your heart is sinking, watching the dark
Or your tears are jealous of the advancing stars
Circling in your mirage, when your anchor falls
Think of the tempest from the past and all that you've lost
Sensitive as a paper boat, directed by the winds
Feeling the losing hopes soak you from beneath
Whether you're tired of trying,
Or you're breaking from within,
Look behind, Pat your back
Every day left behind was so far, so better..!

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