CHAPTER 7~ Astronomy tower

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Mattheo takes my hand and leads me up to the Astronomy tower

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Mattheo takes my hand and leads me up to the Astronomy tower. Without saying a word he opens the door and takes me over to the balcony and just looks over and down at the crowds of people on the yard.

"Don't listen to a word any of them say" was the first thing he says "what?" I ask, I heard I just didn't understand him "Don't listen to them they don't know what there talking about" he's clearly talking about the things they are all saying about me, Jacob and our farther.

I just smile sweetly as a response I don't really know what to say to him I just look at him trying to figure him out I peer into his mind just to see nothing once again.

I turn to look down towards to court yard but once I turn back to look at Mattheo he is already looking at me like I'm a book he is trying to study.

"What?" I laugh awkwardly "I'm just... I'm just trying to figure you out" he mutters, I look at him confused and simply ask "why?" Mattheo then inhales a long breath before turning to look at me fully.

"because I want to know more about you" he murmurs and I innocently smile at him and then proceed to sit down on the floor next to the railing he copies my movements and sits down beside me leaning his head back on railing.

"What do you want to know?" I ask and all he replies with is "everything".

So I start speaking.

"My mother is Anastasia Sinclair but before she became a Sinclair she was a Potter... James Potters little sister actually" I tell the boy beside me who looks shocked.

"So that's why you always stick up for Harry and his friends because Harry is your cousin" I nod at him.

I continue to speak about my family.

"My mother had two best friends during her time at Hogwarts Alice Sinclair who is my farther little sister and who also introduced my mother to my farther." I say to him with one quick breath.

"Alice Sinclair? Where have I heard that name before?" Mattheo asks me looking completely confused.

I laugh at Mattheo's facial expression "Alice Sinclair is my blood Aunt and she married a man named Ares Berkshire" I tell the boy beside me as he connects the dots.

"And they had a brilliant son who is only a couple months older than me and they named him Lorenzo Berkshire but we all call him Enzo" I laugh while Mattheo's face dropped.

"Wait so your cousins with both Harry and Lorenzo!" I nod in agreement "holy shit" he says and while leaning his head back.

"It gets better" I say as I turn to face his confused face.

"Ares had a little sister named Estella who was also my mothers best friend during there time here at Hogwarts" I tell Mattheo as he looks intrigued to where this is going.

"Estella married a man named Benson Nott" I explain as Mattheo's face drops.

Estella and Benson had a son together and named him Theodore" I pause for dramatic effect "Theodore Nott" Mattheo is now leaning closer to me like Pansy does whenever I have gossip to tell her.

"When me, Lorenzo and Theo turned six aunt Estella died leaving Theo with his Farther and his farther became a alcoholic to say the least so Theo is normally with either me or Enzo during holidays" I say feeling the sadness in my voice.

"You said aunt?" Mattheo questions and I look to him confused "yeah so?" I question him back "why she's not your real aunt?" I scoff at him and he must quickly realise he has upset me because he quickly apologised.

"I'm sorry Rory I just... I don't know I just presumed you only calm someone aunt or uncle when there actually blood relatives you know" I nod my head seeing where he is coming from.

"Yeah I understand" he sighs in relief at my response "but Mattheo you have to understand family is not just all about blood but it's also about the people you choose to be your family you know"

Mattheo nods his head and so I decide to give an example.

"Like sure Theo isn't my cousin by blood but I still count him as my cousin... you know?" And to that Mattheo again nods his head in agreement before he starts to talk.

"Yeah I get it like I also sometimes count Theo and Enzo as my brothers kind of" he exaggerates the sometimes and I laugh to which he glared at me for.

"Oh no I'm not laughing at that it's just that they also sometimes count you as their brother" I too exaggerate my sometimes and in response to that I get a soft smile from Mattheo.

I admire his smile for a moment before I continue.

"My farther is a psychic and that is the reason i'am also a psychic" I tell the brown haired but he just listens.

"And I also believe that is the reason he was wanted as a death eater" I pause before continuing "my farther could read and control minds from as far away as he wanted and was the strongest and smartest wizard while he was at Hogwarts apparently he he just like Hermione" I laugh as I use her as my example but it was true my farther was apparently just like Hermione.

Mattheo also laughs at my example but stops as I continue, "but he must of had some darkness or evil in him if he became a death eater willingly" I express as I shrug my shoulders.

"Do you believe all death eaters are evil?" Mattheo questions and I turn to look at him praying to god he isn't one or that Cassie isn't one.

"No" I say before taking in a quick breath "the ones who choose to be one are either thirsty for power or evil and the the ones who are forced" I hold my breath before talking "well there forced that wasn't there decisions if it was then they wouldn't of been forced" I finish my sentence and look towards him to see he's already looking at me.

"Mattheo" my breath hitches "please tell me you're not a death eater" I say my voice shaking.

He shakes his head at me before saying "no I'm not" the breath I was holding finally releases letting me breath again.

But he also starts to lift up his sleeves as if I needed some kind of proof.

Before he can lift his right sleeve I stop him and utter the words "I believe you Mattheo" a smile spreads across his face before he lightly grabs my chin and kisses me on my lips.

It was a sincere and gentle kiss that made me have butterflies in my stomach.

I pull away and smile at him before saying.

"I will always believe you"



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