Chapter 1

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I hurriedly stepped into my new residence, or rather, manor. The Ragnarsson Manor was a stunning structure, my ivory palace, but it still didn't quite feel like home. Since our relocation to London, I've struggled with feeling like an outsider. Everything in this country is unfamiliar to me, even the language and vocabulary used here.

"Chips? Why can't we just call them crisps?" I blurt out with a hint of a nordic accent. It's a bad habit of mine that I've had since childhood, and I can't seem to shake it off. "I can't wrap my head around why we must be both different and alike at the same time. It's difficult to keep track of where I am." My complaints continue.

My cautious steps reverberated through the empty hallways, casting a somber and unsettling feeling. I murmured to myself, mindful of the throbbing in my head if I spoke too loudly. After wandering for a while, I stumbled upon the communal lounge and settled into a sofa.

I plopped down on the cozy sofa and rested my head comfortably against the cushion. I gazed up at the ceiling, feeling utterly bored. The heavy silence filled the room, making it almost unbearable. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I abruptly sat up.

I rose from my seat and walked towards my designated room. It was grand and fit for royalty, but I knew that it wasn't meant for me. Despite its beauty, I couldn't help but feel out of place. After all, I am not a princess.

With a loud bang, I slam my bedroom door shut and scream in frustration. The walls are the only ones who will hear me at this point. Moving to this new country was a decision made by my family, and I still can't understand why we had to leave the comfort of the United States. But no one in my family is willing to listen to my concerns right now, so I am left feeling bitter and unable to express my feelings.

I stormed over to my bed and grabbed a soft pillow, attacking it with punches and kicks as if it were my mortal enemy. It's no secret that I was an explosive child, always struggling to contain and control my unpredictable emotions.

Eventually, exhaustion overtook me and I returned the pillow to its original position. With a sense of calm, I changed into comfortable clothing and flopped onto my bed, face first.

I screamed internally in my frustration.

"It's all nonsensical. We're the Ragnarsson family; we're supposed to be known for our kindness and sensibility. But this situation is senseless and illogical." I sigh, my words muffled by the pillow beneath my head. "Why does it matter if we're closer to the ministry? We were perfectly content in the states."

In a hushed tone, I started expressing my grievances towards the Ministry of Magic. They were mostly just power-hungry individuals who would do anything to gain favor with anyone in authority. As I spoke, my words began to fade away as I drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The last thing on my mind was a simple wish for things to change.


"Miss Ragnarsson! Miss Ragnarsson, Wake up!"

A muffled voice caught my attention, causing me to turn around. I resisted the urge to get up, as I had been instructed not to. But they continued calling my name, so I begrudgingly opened one eye. At first, I couldn't make out anyone in the dimly lit room, which only served to confuse and irritate me. Then, I noticed something peculiar - my tall bed had small pointed ears protruding from its edge.

Cautiously, I inched towards the edge of my comfortable bed, peering down at the source of the noise. To my surprise, I saw Debbie, our free elf, staring back up at me with her large golden eyes. Though she was no longer bound to us, she still chose to live with our family. We never demanded anything of her.

"Miss Ragnarsson, your mother is calling you for dinner!" she exclaimed, a hint of annoyance in her voice. I couldn't blame her; I loved to sleep and it showed in my reluctance to wake up.

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