💜- A Gift -💚

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Eheh... Sorry for not posting these days guys, I've been having sum trouble irl with my parents-... And exams, bleh.

Anyways, this is a request!

Anyways, this is a request!

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Ty for requesting, Lov1y!


It was a calm morning, as always.
The winter was already there, Boombox was calmly sitting on his bed, drinking some hot chocolate.

He was pretty calm, wearing a hoodie that Dom gave him. Despite being a tropical jungle, Playground's weather was freezing cold when it was winter.

Boombox sighed, getting up from his bed and dropping the mug on the sink, he was going to wash it later. He looked around the kitchen and looked at the calendar on the wall, noticing something.

He walked closer and narrowed his eyes. It was already November, and... It was... NOVEMBER 13rd ALREADY?!

Boombox's eyes widened, as he remembered that his boyfriend's, Dom, birthday was on November 14th. He completely forgot! He didn't even buy a gift!

He started to panic, what would he say to Dom if he didn't bring him a gift? How would Dom react? Holy swords!

He looked around nervously, his plug-tail now hanging between his legs.

- "Oh my swords... What should I do?!"
He said, starting to pace around the room. He had no idea of what to do, until an idea popped into his mind:

He could buy Dom a present now!

He smiled at the thought, he finally found a solution, but what should he buy? That was the problem.
He put his hand on his chin, thinking about what Dom liked.

He recalled that he liked doing songs, maybe buying him a new keystar? That's a good idea.

He grabbed his stuff and his apartment's keys, opening the door and leaving to get the bus to the Crossroads.


A few minutes passed, Boombox was already at the Crossroads. He looked around, searching for any instrument shop open, but he didn't find any near the center. He started to get desperate again, he couldn't find what he wanted!

He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. He failed, he couldn't buy his boyfriend a gift...

He was starting to get even more sad, disappointed with himself.

Boombox sighed, looking around, trying to find anything else to buy, but he had no idea of what. He sighed once again, grabbing his phone and dialing a number.

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