Johnny Cade

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Me Ponyboy and Dallas go to the hospital to visit my boyfriend Johnny after the rumble. We went in the room and saw Johnny, he was not looking too good "Hey Johnny" I say in a soft tone as I pull up a chair next to his hospital bed and he manages to crack a grin "Hi" Dally and Pony look at us "We will give you two some time alone" Dally says and Pony nods Dal then gives me a pat on the shoulder before leaving the room with Pony following him.

"You okay?" I ask in a concerned tone and he looks at me "Yeah, Just real sore ya know?" I try to hold back my tears as I slowly nod "Yeah..." He then slowly opens his eyes "Y/n...I-i love you..." Before I can respond his eyes close and hot tears fill my eyes before they run down my cheeks "Johnny?" I realize hes love is gone...

I drop to the floor crying and Pony and Dally come in the room "What happend Y/n?" Pony asks "H-hes g-gone.." I say in sharp breaths and Dally looks at Johnny's body and curses under his breath and runs out of the hospital. Pony comes to me and hugs me as I cry in his shoulder and he cries himself 

A month later I am cleaning out my room when I find something and pull out a photo book and open it to see pictures of me and Johnny growing up, we have been best friends since we were about 8. I look through the pictures and smile to myself knowing hes in a better place...


yea this ones pretty short 🫠 sorry I know another sad one but I will take like a 3 day break from writing cuz ya know CrIstMaS eVe is fricken tomorrow and there are 9 days left of 2023 time flies i still think it's 2022 but its almost 2024 💀. But I will be back before the new year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas or Happy December 25th to you all <3

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