As I lay on my bed, waiting for the reply, I stare at my phone ready to cry.
I sit and wait, for an hour or so. Finally I decide, I cant wait I should go.
I turn off my phone. With tear on my face. I look in the mirror and I started to Pace...
Then i grabbed that object with made cuts on my wrist. I came to the conclusion that I may not be missed.
As I lied it on my arm, I had become alarmed..
It hurt for a second It never had done that before. When i stopped for a second. My arm was really sore.
As This continued I thought, About all the tears I had brought,
To my family and friends, All the pens that I used,
To write all those notes, Saying my sorrys for the hearts that I broke,
I know I couldn't cry out, Therefore someone would stop me, Soon I couldn't see and I was really dizzy.
Finally It was done, No more pain for me.
An hour later or so, They finally found me. I felt so bad, they were crying out loud.
I felt so bad, I caused them so much pain, They were all depressed, Crying my name.
Now I can see, it was all just a dream,
I can not continue, because i see how much they care, It would not be fair.
I may not be happy but I will try to stay. I love you all so much. When that day does come. Please don't be sad.
I know I love you and you care. Please be a dear, and cherish the time that you have. To all my friends and my family....
I love you♥