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Third person pov

It's weekend, so everyone is in the mansion sorry not everyone it's just that two of them I mean jimin and jungkook.

"Yes clean this area, put moup in staircase also, till that i will arrange the books" jimin ordered the maids to clean the whole mansion and went take some books.

After sometimes jimin came back with some books in his hands and took carefully steps because the floor is too slippery

On the other hand jungkook came out from his room while talking with someone in his phone, he didn't notice the floor as he was busy talking.

When jungkook stepped on the water, he got slipped the phone fell from his hand,

"Ahhh!!!", Jungkook started to move forward without balence, jimin noticed it's and his eyes widened as jungkook is coming towards him.

"No!, No jungkook stop there" jimin yelled while shaking his head but jungkook fell on him making them to roll on the floor, they rolled on the stairs.

When they reached down jungkook hovered over jimin and stopped rolling. Jimin's eyes are closed tightly due to fear while jungkook is looking at his facial features endearingly, this is the first time jungkook is seeing jimin this closely,  it's not like he didn't see him closely but that time he didn't he analyse his beautiful facial features.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and met with a chocolate like orbs looking at him intensely. Jimin noticed how close they are and immediately pushed off jungkook from him and groaned in pain, his back is paining like hell.

"Ahh!, You fucker are you blind, can't you see the water in your way?" Jimin asked while groaning and rubbing his back.

"Why the hell water is in my way?"

"The maids were putting moup you bastard!! Ahh!"

"You could have said to me, how do I know"

"Did I dreamt that you will come out, you should have seen your way properly you uncanny imposter" jimin yelled, the pain was too much. He tried to get up but fell down while groaning.

Jimin again tried to get up but again fell down, jungkook controlled his laughter by bitting his lips. He went to help jimin but he yelled at him to stop there.

Jimin again tried to get up but fell down, now jungkook lifted him up in bridal style.

"You bastard, put me down!" Jimin yelled while hitting jungkook's chest but jungkook just ignored the omega's yellings and walked straight towards jimin's room.

"Are you going to leave me or not, put me down!!!!"

Jungkook finally placed jimin on the bed carefully.

"I will tell a maid to send you a painkiller, apply it in your back" jungkook said and left the room.

"Fuck you!!"  Jimin spatted and groaned in pain, the pain was too unbearable as they rolled down on the bare stairs.

Time skip:-

"Hello is anyone here?" Clara asked while entering inside mansion, she expected someone to be in the living room but none of them were there.



Jungkook came out from his room by his mother's voice.

"Mom?" He walked down and hugged his mother.

"How are you kookie?" She asked as they took seat in the couch.

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