A short Sherliam Christmas story

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A few days before Christmas, London was at the pinnacle of its preparations for Christmas and its festivities. Each house was trying to impress more with decorations, and the creativity of the people was boundless, limited only by their imagination.

People buzzed in the streets of London in high spirits. Some of them were running for last-minute Christmas presents, while others enjoyed watching Christmas performances by local artists. Some simply savored the cold winter weather, surrounded by the city's festive decorations.

William James Moriarty found himself in a perilous situation, as he had not yet purchased any Christmas presents for his lovely family. Due to his professorial work and being the lord of crime who runs the entire criminal underground, he faced a serious dilemma: what to get for the others for Christmas? While walking in the shop and contemplating what to get for each member, his gaze suddenly met a figure he knew very well. That figure was none other than Sherlock Holmes himself.

Sherlock stopped for a moment.

"Good evening, Sherly," William said to Sherlock and winked at him.

Sherlock looked at him with a curious smile. "I see you are also here for last-minute shopping for presents."

"Indeed, my dear friend," said Moriarty and chuckled."

"It's been a while, Liam, since the Titanic incident. Our lives have been so busy that we didn't even have the time to meet for even a brief moment. I'm glad that you are doing fine, Liam," Sherlock said with a genuine look on his face, and he sounded very honest.

"I am glad you are doing fine, too, Sherly. Yes, my job as a professor is quite demanding, and other matters require my attention and presence, too. It is not that easy," William smiled sadly while gazing into the detective's eyes.

Holmes wanted to change the mood surrounding them, so he playfully said, "So, Liam, are you going to buy a present for me, too? You know, we probably won't be able to spend Christmas together, so, a present from my favorite professor would be delightful." Sherlock looked determined to get a present from William, who just chuckled and answered.

"Oh, I see you're in high spirits. A present from me would mean... a lot to you?" He winked while saying it in a playful tone.

While they continued their banter for a couple of more moments, they accidentally overheard a conversation among the shop's workers. They learned that the Santa event for children would need to be canceled as the actor for Santa had disappeared at the last moment.

The workers seemed concerned as it was a charitable event for children who cannot afford anything, and Santa was the highlight of the event. Without him, it wasn't the same.

As William James Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes heard the conversation, they both glanced at each other and nodded simultaneously, understanding each other very well even without words.

They approached the workers and asked if they could maybe help somehow. The workers were very happy, and they dressed up Sherlock as Santa, while William helped behind the scenes.

"Why do I have to play Santa?! Liam, you would have been a better Santa. I am not good around children," Sherlock looked annoyed.

"There, there, Sherly. It is for a good cause. And, well, if you do a good job, I might consider the possibility of getting you a Christmas present as well," while saying that, William Moriarty patted the detective's head and chuckled.

With that one push, Sherlock Holmes became the Santa Claus for the evening. He played his role perfectly, while William assisted the shop workers with other tasks. As the evening continued, children were happy and in high spirits. Their faces showed gratitude for Santa and others who organized the event. Each child received a little present to take with them. As the gift-giving ceremony ended, they all sang Christmas songs and danced together. When the children were tired and content, they gathered around William, who told them various stories of past Christmases and Christmas miracles. The children's eyes shone as their imaginations danced, and the place was filled with warmth and laughter.

When the evening came to an end, some of the children were in tears as they loved the evening so much, and many of them hugged Santa Sherlock and William.

After saying goodbyes to the children, the shop's staff thanked William James Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes for their help. They mentioned that without them, the event would have been a disaster.

The professor and the detective, after their cooperation in the shop, left with content smiles and gratitude in their hearts, having been part of this charitable event that brought joy and happiness to the hearts of poor children.

"I appreciate your effort in playing the perfect Santa Claus, Sherly. Mostly because of you, the children were happy," William smiled at Sherlock, his eyes filled with gratitude and sincerity.

"So, I guess I will get that present from you, right, Liam?" he shouted that out, his eyes sparkling like never before. William chuckled at his playful demeanor.

Suddenly, while they were standing outside the shop, it started snowing. As the snowflakes kissed their warm skin, their faces lit up with excitement.

"This time of the year is truly magical," Moriarty said as he gazed at the sky, his face graced with a tender smile.

Sherlock Holmes observed William, whose face looked peaceful and content. At that moment, it seemed as if he was in his own world. Silence fell between them until William turned to the detective.

"I really wanted to spend Christmas with you... maybe next year it will be different. But for now, I must excuse myself, Sherly. I wish you a merry Christmas," his voice sounded sincere and filled with longing. Holmes understood Moriarty's unspoken feelings and nodded, appreciating his honesty.

"I feel the same way, Liam," and Sherlock pulled William into a loving hug. They stood together under the starry sky for a couple of moments, the snowflakes surrounding them, making the moment more magical. "Merry Christmas. I hope one day... we can spend more time together," Sherlock whispered to William, and after that, they pulled back.

With lingering understanding between them, the men exchanged polite goodbyes and went their separate ways.

On Christmas day, Mrs. Hudson came to Sherlock's room to wish him a merry Christmas and mentioned she found a small package next to the outside door addressed to him. On the package, it was written 'from your closest friend'.

"I wonder who the sender is," Mrs. Hudson said, looking at the package. However, Sherlock Holmes understood very well from whom this package was... he smiled and looked through the window, his mind wandering to... William.

Meanwhile, William James Moriarty had also received a small package from Holmes, which he didn't expect. Pleasantly surprised, he decided to take his time and savor the moment while slowly unpacking the package in his study.

As it was a stormy day in London, the hearts of both William and Sherlock were warm and full of love and hope for their future encounters and what it holds for them...

A short SHERLIAM Christmas storyWhere stories live. Discover now