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Main characters:
Noah Cooper: Main lead
Genevieve Laurenz: Main lead
Alex Cooper-Noah's elder brother
Sam Cooper: Noah's dad
Katie Cooper: Noah's mom
Caroline Laurenz: Geneniene's younger sister
Chris Laurenz: Genevieve's dad
Adele Laurenz: Genevieve's mom

[In the living hall]

Mrs Cooper: Noah!! Come here
darling, mommy is in a hurry, be a good boy now.

(Mrs Cooper was chasing Noah to do his tie. Noah is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs Cooper who is just 10 years old. He has always been naughty yet talented since his childhood.)

Mr Cooper: Noah, let's get ready, we don't want to be late.

(Mr Cooper helped Noah with his tie. Later, everyone had their breakfast and enjoyed Noah's adorable antics.)

[After a while]

Mr Cooper: Katie, let's go, we're running behind schedule.

(Katie and Noah quickly got into the car and Mr. Cooper started driving.)

[After 30 minutes, at the airport]

(Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Noah approached a figure standing in a corner.)

Noah: Booo!

*turns around and notices*

***: Mom? Dad? Noah?

Mrs Cooper: *smiles* How are you darling?

***: Mom, why did you guys come without informing me? I can come home by myself, I don't want to trouble you guys.

Mr Cooper: * takes the luggage * Your mom can't wait to see you. And you didn't give us any trouble Alex, we just wanted to surprise our big boy. *smiles*

Alex: But dad-

Noah: * Holds alex's hand* Brother, I missed you.*Pouts*

Alex : *hugs the little boy * I missed you too Noah.

(Everyone got into the car and drove home)

[In the evening]

(Both the brothers were laughing and
having a pillow fight. Meanwhile,
Mrs Cooper enters the room.)

Mrs Cooper: Alex, you came home after a long time, Let's go somewhere.

Alex: Yahh! Sure mom.

(Let me clear this up first, Alex is the elder son of Mr and Mrs Cooper. He
stays in England to complete his
studies there. He is 17 years old now and came home for a summer vacation.)

Noah: Yay let's go.

Alex: *smiles at Noah before turning to his Mom* where are we going, Mom?

Mrs Cooper: Um.....*thinks*

Noah  Mum...Beach !!

Alex & Mrs Cooper: Perfect! *Gives a thumbs up*

Mrs Cooper: You both get ready ASAP. I'll call your dad and tell him to come.

(Mr Cooper is one of the top businessmen in the continent. He has always been very ambitious and never spends his time on anything unnecessary except his family and he is mostly busy with his work.)

[After a while]

Mrs Cooper: Sam... Alex... Noah, Are you guys ready?

(Everyone came down and went into
the car.)

Mrs Cooper: Alex, how's everything there going, son?

Alex: Everything's fine Mom.

Mr Cooper: How are your roommates?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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