The Doctors

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Links POV
I grabbed Vaati and threw him on my back and raced to the Docs office. Zelda was by my side and Yona on the other. When we got there Zelda opened the door. "Doc help!" Doctor Alice Fairy got him and put an ice pack on his head to stop the swelling. "What happened?" She asked while treating him. "Link hit him hard with a tennis ball." Yona said while getting the first aid kit. "Link why did you do that?" Doc ask me. "It was an accident."  "Give me the analgesics." Doc said and Zelda opened the drawer and got it. Alright now we just need to wake him up?" Doc said. She got a water bottle and squirted it on him. He coughed and ask were he was.
After he was patched up he left and Yona escorted him out. Zelda and I was walking back to the Tennis Courts . "Why'd did you hit the ball so hard?" She ask sounding a little bit annoyed. "I don't know." I said lying. "....Where you jealous?" I blush but it quickly went away. "No." She looked at me and kept walking. "You know it's just an act and  I don't even like him." She said with some amusement in her voice. "I know it's just....." "Just what?" "Never mind." She rolled her eyes.

We got to the Tennis Courts and no one was there so they must be at there next period. "Where gonna be late!" Zelda said as we raced to the doors but they were locked. I started knocking on them.

After a few minutes Sidon came opens the door for us. "Thanks bro." He smiles and we all go back to class.

A/n this chapter k needed to explain what happened but the next one I'm writing right away and it will be really good Ty

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