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This particular village were not so fawn of strangers. Most of those strangers were most likely stow aways, criminals from horribly drawn wanted posters, or possibly normal common folk looking for a job to live off of. By all other means, this village was not quite a fan of new faces. Be it a visit or not.

"This should do them good. Plenty for a hefty price of course!" The man, who is the only one with splendid business in this little village, was able to finish off the list of needed groceries.

With a few coins in hand, calculated from the very start, hand it to the business man "Here is your coins sir." From one little hand to a bigger one the coins were tossed into the coin stash. Away from those who can steal it.

The groceries were generously placed in a wagon your size. It was quite old and unkempt, but with such list, it was by far the most useful with shopping. It would be wonderful if you had a donkey or gifted a horse, it would be easier to take to your hellish home. A home that doesn't flick a golden penny your way..

The moment everything was in order it was time to depart.

"You should run away with all this food. Even the money too." The man you given coins to was a kind generous man, and seeing a child of high status in such poor state, he was worried and consern for you "I have a friend who raised horses for a living. I'll buy a healthy youngling for you, free of charge of course."

His kind proposal was rejected within seconds "Your a good man. But I still believe they will change...someday that is."

"Someday is not going to come." He was right, within seconds he pulled out a small bag of coins, filled and heavy, toss it to be caught by the child "My offer still stands. Hide it away. Those bastards are greedy for money."


He raised a hand up, stopping the child mid way "Don't. Just think about that offer will ya?"

The offer was indeed thought over. Nodding, a new bag of coins to keep hidden away, begin to grasp each of the two wooden handles. With your bear hands you pulled the old wagon away with all your strength. It was by far less painful now that your once soft hands blistered over, now finding it easier to travel with less work going back and forth, your small hands were rough and manly like; Hands that a noble would never have nor allow.

Onwards you went. Uphill to your hellish manor, a family not worth a penny to feed, with all the strength a small child could give you walked eleven miles through the endless mud from the day before. By the time you arrive your dress would be drenched with mud and sweat. It would be wise to change before entering the manor entirely..

°•○•°Back at the manor and with clean cloths on°•○•°

The maide's were by far the kindest people to you here. They were here the day you were born, your father's passing due to heart failure, and watch helpless as your noble status was taken from you the day mother wedded a man from a better wealthier bloodline. These maide treat you with respect and taught you everything you needed to know as a low class maide. The exact day you became a maide of this place was at the young age of four, not understanding what is happening whatsoever, the noble title taken from your head just to be placed on your step-brother Markus the day he was born.

In fact, your name was stripped from you too. A red flag. This place was such a big red flag..

"Maide!My toy!Go fetch it for me will you?" Markus was near that toy, laying below his feet, he called out like if he couldn't bend down himself, he was spoiled rotten "Go on, fetch it maide!"

"Father were here he would told him to pick it up himself. A maide is not needed for such a thing."

Your thoughts ran free, a face cold and emotionless as always, resume in making tea.By some odd reason making tea was quite soothing...

Chasing What Is Left [Charlotte Fam!Various! X Maide!Child!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now