Bad Day (April May and June ENF)

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* Disclaimer , that fanfic is written as SFW ,so it could be " as oryginal". So there is no explicit and all scenes are metioned that can be drawed as in official comics( i know possibility is nearly zero but still).So anyone who read, imagine it as it like You read official story.
Also sorry for my English but i hope You enjoy the story, that is my first story so please not be too harsh with critisism :).


It was sunny ,spring day. April May and June just left the school. They was happy cause there was friday so they can enjoy weekend. However there was still one last errand that they must had to do.
-Finally the week is nearly over.
said June.
- Yes but the amount of homework will not allowed us to forget about school during weekend.
answered April.
-Girls calm down, think positively, only about 2 hours keep us from free time.
Every girl said " You are right" to May.
Duckies went to the bus stop, chatting about free time and how they spend it. They was happy thinking about going on pool, to the lake, playing board games, sleepover with their friends. Before they knew it girls stand on the bus stop waiting for transport
- So what You are going to do today on Your " yelling" lessons?
Asked May June.
- I'ts called " choir".
Responded May
- I don't know know, but we are hard training for the country competition so we can win first prize wich is travel to " Duck sands". We will be allowed to take two comapnies with us. But if you think this is jus " yelling" then i don't know if i choose you two.
June and April maked disgusted faces.
- You didn't say it seriously?
Asked April.
-Of course i'm not
Said with big smile May.
-How i could left my best sisters in Duckburg when i will sunbath?But if You make more jokes about me doing " yelling" then is possibility that we could not win the competition and finally none of us goes there.
June and April started to laugh.
- Of course we wish You best luck May.Do your best.
Said June.
- Do You think we miss oppurtunity for free weekend on the beach?Aunt Daisy still saying that she having hard times and she didn't know if the most what we can have is bloated pool on backyard.
Noded April
In the meantime bus has arrived.
-So May, we are driving home. You are certain that You going on that choir lessons? I mean, nothing happing if You skip one lesson and the weather today is perfect so we can go on walk and eat some ice creams.
Asked April
-I would like to but what happened if because of one day of my slack we lose competition and we will never have weekend on " Duck sands"?You don't want miss that opputinity?
Smiled May
-You are right
Agreed June with big smile.
-But if You don't win You are going to do all our homework for whole month.
May put thumb up as doors for the bus started closing when her sister drive to the home.
May walking slowly to the hall where choir classes being.She know that she is littly late by waiting for her sisters bus. So She decided to take shortcut through little forest. Even it was still sun she was not comofted but she had no choice, perspective of not letting down her sisters pushes her forward.
May entered the forst witch courage, she was looking like her everyday. She had two ponytails with yellows ribbons on them. She was Dressed in yellow blouse and skirt, under it was (of course) yellow shirt and sports bra and yellow swimming pants with knots(there was pool lessons that day).
The half way way through forest went without problems, May was taking that way lot's of the time.
But certainly on her path shows familiar face. It was her classmate - Cathy which was a suprise but May approach her confidently.
- Hello
Greet her May.
-What are you doing here? The class ended while ago and i don't remember seeing you there when i was going to choir.
Cathy smiled and answered her
- You know - i knew you are going that way. So i prepared a little suprise for you.
May make big eyes and asked
- What are you talking...
She stopped when suddenly was surrounded by 5 other other classmates.
Two of them grabbed her hands , the other two cover them,then when struggled to relase Cathy come to her and said:
- Do you remember when you made fun of me in front of the class when was there that handsome,rich boy who came to see our school to see it is good for him?
When i answered teacher question, it was wrong and you said " that's question that even in kids in kindergaten knew" and everybody laugh?
-I just wanted to prove that you are wrong, i didn't meant anything bad.
answered May.
Then Cathy came closer to May and said:
- Well it's too late for you, i know from my friend that boy is coming today to choir practice, because he was impressive of the progress and want to see team who got the most chance of winning.
May made big eyes and said:
- Do You thnik im the biggest part of the choir and if i not be on practice they lose competition? Sorry to dissapiont you, but choir i made of all, i just giving my part but if we win - it's not just because of me.
Cathy put her hand under May beak and said:
- You don't understand, i don't give a buck about competition or whether you win or not, i just want vengence for what you did to me.
May started to be dissapointed and asked:
- So what is the purpose of holding me down? If you know that my absence on lessons didn't change anything?
- Glad that you asked.
Responsed cathy
I'ts all about to make you feel the same as i feeled during that lessons.
-What are you talk...
Before May ended her sentence Cathy yelled:
-Take it off.
May was confused " what she talk about" but in the same time two girls wich holds her hands - raised them up when other two pull her blouse off of her head.
May stands in her yellow shirt sees as the other girls throw her blouse to Cathy, May asked:
- If You wanted my blouse for some reason you could ask, i would likely borrow it.
-It's not about blouse, but you see it soon enough.
Said cathy
- What You talking abo...
Before May ended the other two girls again jump to her and grabbed both sized of her shirt, May asked:
- What is going off, what they doing?
Cathy says
- You emberassed me in front of the class and in front of that boy so i decided to do the sam to you.
May asked:
-What exactly do you mean?
Cathy started to laugh and answered:
- We are going to strip you off so you didn't get a choice, either you go to practice but i will be hard without clothes and emberass yourself in front of that boy. Or you go back to home but it will be also bad cause he will not see you on practice so you feel bad that you didn't helped in traning.
After saying that Cathy made a creepy smile.
- You not dare.
Says May.
-We will see.
After that Cathy give her friends sign and two of them once again started raising May hands, while second two started pull off her shirt.
Yelled May, the struggling continues but the one little May had no chance aganist 4 of her classmates.They pulled the shirt of her head and throwing it to Cathy. Leaving May with her belly exposed only with bra,skirt and swimming pants.
May yelled:
But cathy only give her big smile:
- Oh, no it's only beggining. I would be too simple if i let you go right now.
- What?
Asked May, but in the same time cathy came to her and asked:
- What do you think i will do next?
In the same time her hand went straight to the May's skirt zipper.
But Cathy started slowly unzip May's skirt.May was struggling, trying to get off, but the grip of her classsmates was too strong.
But Cathy stoped unzipping skirt and pulled it down, the other girls pulled up May's feet so Cathy could take skirt with her.
May was standing with closed eyes and red face looking down. She never feeled anything like that in her life. She was standing grabbed by her classemates only dressed in pants with knots and sports bra in center of the park."it cannot be any worse", so she said to Cathy:
- Ok you win,you took everything so you can let me go, i just want to go home.
But she saw in Cathy eyes something strange, and the she says:
- Oh no, we just started, at last you still have some clothing on you.
May made big eyes seeing the Cathy pulled out from pocket scissors.
But Cathy only smiled:
_ I know but i want to be sure.
She kneeled down before struggling May.
- I will start here if You don't mind?
Yelled May but it was too late, Cathy started slowly pulling out one of the knots of May's swimming pants.
But Cathy was unmoved on May's yelling, just pulled up knot to the end.
- Now, we go for the second.
May with the red struggling seeing as Cathy started pulling off second knot of her pants, once again she yelled :
But it was too late, her panties droped down to her feet showing her bottom.
Cathy took her pants and pointing scissors on May said :
- No in to the best part
May again started to yell
But Cathy ignores May's cry started to slowly cut her bra straps.Cuted right one then went straight to the left , May was tear in her eyes and says " please". But may continued and and with last cut she took off May's bra wich laied down on ground.
May was standing completely undressed, with her flat chest.Cathy took all her clothes and said to her friend:
- Let her go and we go home.
Two class mates relase May and run in tho the darkness, May using her hands to cover herself started yell:
Suddenly she wake up in the bed, she look at herself and sees she is under blanket dressed up in nightgown.Her sisters started to take off their nightgowns to dress up.
- You finnally awake May,aunt Daisy said that we should wake you up already.
Said April.
May with relief that was all only a dream started preparing for the school. She tooks off her night gown and put on swimming pants and sports bra because today was swimming pool day . Then she put on her yellow shirt,blouse and skirt. She went down stairs to sisters, she remembered that today have her one of finally choir practice before competition. So with smile on her beack, weaved to aunt Daisy and went to the bus knowing that maybe she will impress that one handsome boy who wanted to come to their school...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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