Oh how I am addicted to him.

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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】: Taehyun is a popular kid at your campus but when you finally met the man, your heart created something inside you: a hunger for him.  


Author's note: A little bit of angst. It's going to sting a little bit. Just a little , I swear!


The heart is a terrifying thing.

The way it starts and stops.

The way it wants what it wants.

The way it creates this sudden hunger for him.

And you didn't know why and how you fell in love with him, slowly then all at once.

He came out of nowhere, and the next thing you knew, he was all you could think about and dream about every night.

He never crossed your mind, not even once, until that day.

"Do you want to be my partner?" He asked you.

The first thing you saw on him was his hands, long fingers adorned with rings and prominent veins on the back of his hands.

You looked up and saw him, his beautiful face for the first time that instantly made you feel ugly. Your heart skipped and you thought, maybe you were dehydrated.

You took a bottle of water but he took it from you and uncapped the bottle for you.

"I have to pass this class. I can't fail for the second time," he said in despair, handing you your bottled water back.

You knew him, everyone knew him. There's something in him that attracts people to see, to stop everything and just look at him even for a second, no one can deny it when he's pleasant to the eyes like this.

"I'm Taehyun, by the way," he quickly introduced himself, offering his hand.

You took a sip of your water before shaking his hand and introducing yourself.

"Yeah, I know you," he said and didn't hesitate to sit on the chair in front of you, sitting backward on it.

"You're the smartest here that's why I need you to be my partner," he folded his hands on your table and leaned forward.

"That's my appeal," he added.

Yes, that was appealing of him looking at you with those twinkles in his eyes, and his long dark hair curtained the frame of his small face.

You reminded yourself not to fall for his charm because what if he just wanted to use you.

"I'm sorry, but if you only want to tag along on an assignment, you better pick someone else," you said, and you agreed that was heartless of you.

His face turned sour, offended by your words.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"You think I want in just so I can sit around and let you do the work yourself?"

You felt bad because your prejudice shaded your judgment, "No offense but-"

"If you think so, then yes, I'm offended," he cut you off.

You sighed because things turned awry in a few minutes, "I'm sorry," you muttered with the utmost regret.

"I swear to you," he grabbed your hands on the table, "that I'll participate from the very beginning until we finish the assignment,"

"I might not be much of a help, you see, I failed the class once," he nonchalantly shrugged.

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