Important note: all products in this tutorial are ones i use can vouche for. But if you get equivilents in your country with the same specs ie 20% vitamin c serum etc. You should get the same results. I live in England and Germany.
Chapter 0:
Why looks maxing matters and the benefits you can expectChapter 1:
Skin careChapter 2:
Jaw line & cheekbonesChapter 3:
Height & postureChapter 4:
TeethChapter 5:
Eyes & BrowsChapter 6:
Male makeupChapter 7:
Head hair, Facial Hair & Body hairChapter 8:
Body care & PerfumesChapter 9:
Work out tipsChapter 10:
Neutrition & supplimentsChapter 11:
Style Hacks & accessoriesChapter 12:
Voice & body language
Chapter 13:
Preview of lessons taught in
-Mind Maxing By Deus-Bonus:
My Morning & Night Routine for: Skincare,Jaw,Teeth,Eyes,Makeup,workout.
Learn More in my Book Deuism.
The most important book in the world.
Released later this year.
Looks Maxing - By Deus
Non-FictionThe Best Looks Maxing guide. If you have any questions dm me on instagram. @Vhsss.God