Sterry night memories

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Previous Era
+50,000 years ago
Dec. 24

Like every year, it was a snowy night, it was a somewhat heavy but normal snowfall for this time of year. Even so, in a cabin in the woods in a room you could see a little girl, with light blue hair, purple eyes wearing a white dress who she could see painting on a canvas. This little girl was Griseo, the youngest of the flame chasers.

Entering the room you could see a white-haired man who would see Griseo and smile, drawing the attention of the little painter

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Entering the room you could see a white-haired man who would see Griseo and smile, drawing the attention of the little painter.

"Hey Griseo, what are you painting?"

Griseo: my family, big brother Licht

Licht: can I see it?

But when the white-haired boy was going to see the canvas, Griseo would take it and move it, preventing Licht from seeing it, surprising him and even more so to see that Griseo had a blush as if embarrassed.

Griseo: not finished yet

Licht: but normally you let me accompany you while you make your paintings, there are even times when you fall asleep on my lap and Ely takes photos of me (I still wonder how he always is at those times)

Griseo would pout looking at the white haired man who would only sigh in defeat and then smile.

Licht: well I understand, but it's already getting very late Griseo, come on, good children go to sleep early.

Griseo: but...

Licht: -smug smile- What do you think Aponia will say if she finds you awake at this hour?

Griseo: ...

The little flame chaser would remain silent without being able to give an answer, making Licht laugh, who would begin to caress her hair, causing the little flame chaser to start to stagger a little and let out a yawn.

Licht: Come on, I'll take you to your bed, you can't even keep your eyes open anymore.

Griseo: there is... no... problem -yawning- I can stay awake... Griseo is already an adult

Licht: -patting her and laughing- yes yes, a little adult who should go to sleep now

Griseo: i-it's okay, just... don't look at my painting...

She would say the little Griseo in her sleep before falling into the arms of Licht who would catch the sleeping little Flame Chaser.

Licht: -smiling- no promises

At that moment Licht would carefully carry her in his arms, take her through the cabin to her room and leave her in her bed being careful not to wake her and after tucking her in, he would give her a quick kiss on the forehead making the sleeping Griseo smile. while he rubbed her head.

Licht: They are these moments of peace... that although there are not many, we flame chasers treasure the most, seeing Griseo's small smile makes me remember that there are still things to fight for in this world -smiling-

Sterry night memoriesWhere stories live. Discover now