A (Knight) light through dimensions

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In front of us, in a cold laboratory, was two doors. One door showed a futuristic city with skyscrapers as tall as the biggest leviathan Grimm and the other one showed a city floating in the sky with a chain keeping it attached to the ground. Two worlds that couldn't be more different and yet here we were, residents of two worlds who managed to work together to temporarily hold off an evil threat to both our worlds. Looking over to the denizens of Remnant a soft smile formed on my face until I realized I might not get the chance to see him again. Looking at Team JNR I looked up to the tall blonde man with a sombre look and as everyone said our goodbyes I approached him. "We'll meet again, Jaune." I softly said, my heart fluttering with each word I said to the knight as the blonde man nodded.
"I promise you we will, Jess." Jaune smiled awkwardly.
Looking down at my ring, the ring that I was lost without for most of this adventure, I remembered everything Jaune did for me...a soft smile formed on my face as my ring started to glow and a faint green outline surrounded my body as I quickly floated upwards and gave Jaune a peck on his cheek. "Don't keep me waiting, I'll miss you too much." I blushed as I flew into the door first, scared of what Jaune would think of me since I knew he was still grieving...but I didn't regret it.

Two weeks went by and after seeing Team RWBY again, Jaune wasn't with them so I couldn't see him again, I felt loneliness more then ever. I was sitting in the Justice League Watchtower looking over the world as fond memories of Jaune filled my mind and a soft blush formed on my stoic face. I missed him, I wanted to see him again. I knew it was impossible especially with Kilgrave and Watts trapped but it didn't stop me from hoping and praying that one day our paths would cross. As I sat watching over the world I heard the shuffling of a chair next to me and as I looked over I saw my fellow Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, getting on the chair. "So are you going to tell me what's been on your mind now, Jess?" Hal asked as I sighed.
"The same thing that's been on my mind since the Grimm attack Hal." I softly said as I looked to my squad leader who gave me a soft chuckle.
"Jaune?" Hal asked as I nodded, my blush deepening at hearing his name.
"Yeah...It's only been two weeks and I already miss him this much." I softly said as I looked back towards the earth.
"You've not thought of anything since you got back, even more so after the Grimm invasion...Why not go to him?" Hal asked as I snapped my head straight to Hal with a shocked expression.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, every month we're getting more and more Green Lanterns...and it's obvious after the incident with Sinestro teaming up with Luthor that your heart is in the wrong place, so why not open a door to Remnant?" Hal asked.
"B-But I wouldn't be able to open a door back, and time works differently in Remnant then here so...I might be gone forever Hal." I softly said.
"But at least you'll be with the person you love." He chuckled as my face turned red.
"I-I don't...Okay maybe I do love him...are you sure you would be okay with this Hal?" I asked as he nodded.
"If you don't do this, you'll regret it. Go be happy Jess." Hal smiled as he patted my head whilst I sent a message over to Cyborg so he could look into opening a door for me.

An hour later and I was all packed and ready for this, there was no going back but...I would regret this forever if I don't...so I wont hold myself back. Seeing me off was Hal, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Vixen, and Black Canary. "If you press this button, an emergency signal will be sent to us, and we will come running to help you Jessica." Batman explained as he gave me a Justice League badge with a button on it.
"Thank you Batman- no everyone for this...I know it might be stupid me willing to move to another universe, but thanks for helping me." I smiled as Superman gave me a bag with the weapons Team RWBY used during their trip here as well as a couple picture frames for me.
"Tell everyone we said hi." Superman smiled as I nodded, turning around to look through the door where I saw a city in the middle of rebuilding.
"Take care Jess." Vixen smiled.
"Don't do anything to rash." Flash grinned.
"Make us proud." Cyborg smirked.
"Seek out your heart, Jess." Black Canary softly spoke.
"Stick to your justice." Wonder Woman smiled as I looked to Hal who simply gave me a thumbs up.
"Thank you everyone." I smiled as I stepped through the door and a bright light enveloped me.

As I looked around the city people of all ages were laughing as they were rebuilding the city I found myself in. Unlike in the cyberspace, I looked like my normal self, and I was all ready for finding Jaune. As I breathed in the Remnant air I activated my ring, flying through the city in order to search for a familiar face and whilst I found one it...wasn't in the way I wanted. Landing in front of a statue, I looked up at the memorial for Pyrrha Nikos with a soft smile. "Thank you for protecting him Pyrrha." I softly said as someone approached me from behind, a woman with dark skin and emerald hair.
"Did you know her?" The woman asked as I looked over and shook my head.
"She was important to a friend of mine, I never met her myself, but I wish I did. She seemed like a brilliant person." I smiled softly as I held out my hand for a handshake.
"Emerald, what's your name?" Emerald asked as I shook her hand.
"Jessica, just call me Jess. Umm I...am not from around here, do you know if I could find someone by the name of Jaune Arc around here?" I asked as Emerald raised one of her eyebrows before hovering her hands above the weapons which were attached to her hips.
"What do you want from Jaune?" Emerald asked as I backed up slightly.
"I-I just want to see him again, we're friends." I explained in a hurry as Emerald looked at me suspiciously before getting out a scroll and flicking through her contacts.
"You...wont mind me double checking, I trust?" Emerald asked as she pressed her fingertip on Lie Ren, one of Jaune's teammate's, icon starting a call with him.
Waiting for an answer felt like it was taking forever but whilst I was waiting and I looked around I saw no Grimm around which I was happy about, a safe zone. "Hey Ren, a woman named Jessica is here claiming she knows Jaune..." Emerald started speaking before glancing at my ring "Yes she has a green ring on her...Okay I'll send her your way." Emerald said before hanging up the call and I looked at her hopefully.
"D-Do they remember me?" I asked as Emerald nodded.
"Head up the cliff to the building with a tower, Jaune will meet you at the landing pad." Emerald said before easing up and walking away, saying no further words as she did so.
"T-Thank you for your help." I called out as I activated my ring and headed straight to the massive building.

Landing next to a few planes, I looked around and the first thing I saw was a blur of red hurling towards me. I instinctively flinched but as it got close to me the blur slowed down, showing Ruby Rose who had a grin on her face. "Jessica, it is you!" She grinned as she pulled me into a hug which I hugged back.
"Hey Ruby, how long has it been your time?" I asked as Ruby let me go.
"It's been a couple of months- and get this, we won! The world is saved, Grimm is no more and we're currently in the process of rebuilding Vale." Ruby grinned as A smile formed on my face.
"That's great to hear...so how's Jaune?" I asked softly as a smug grin formed on Ruby's face.
"He's on his way, you made quite the impression you know?" Ruby giggled teasingly as my face turned red.
"I-I did?" I asked happily as a smile formed on my lips and I looked down in a happy mood.
"So, are you here to stay Jess?" Ruby asked as I nodded.
"A-As long as things go well with Jaune...yeah." I smiled as Ruby squealed.
"Perfect! We'll prepare a room for you in the dorms." Ruby grinned as I looked at the building and finally recognised it.
"Wait, this is Beacon!" I exclaimed in realization as Ruby nodded.
"Mhm, we're rebuilding it as a beacon of light now Salem is gone." Ruby smiled before she noticed something and took a couple steps backwards.
"Are you okay Ruby?" I asked as Ruby nodded.
"Have fun you two." Ruby smiled before dashing away.
I stood there confused for a second before I heard some footsteps approaching me, turning to face them my face turned red as a chiselled Jaune approached with a grin on his face. "J-Jessica!" Jaune said as he stopped a few steps in front of me.
My heart started beating as I saw he was okay, tears welling in my eyes as without hesitation I pulled him into a hug. Whereas in the simulation I wasn't in my normal body, we were currently the same height and so I put my head on his shoulders and held him close in his warm embrace. "J-Jaune, how have you been?" I asked as I didn't let him go from the hug.
"J-Jessica? Y-You look so different then the Cyberspace." Jaune said as he looked at me shocked, slowly hugging me back.
"Well it was a weird experience as a whole, but I'm here now." I smiled softly as I finally let go with a red face.
"S-So are you here for long Jessica?" Jaune asked as we started walking around Beacon Campus.
"W-Well I thought I might...move universes." I softly said as I looked away, worried he wouldn't want me around.
"That's amazing, I was worried I wouldn't see you again so that's great!" Jaune said happily as my eyes widened as did my smile.
"Y-You want me around?" I asked softly as I covered my face to hide my growing blush with my hair.
"Of course, you did a lot for me in the Cyberspace. To be honest, you helped with my grief over the loss of Pyrrha." Jaune smiled softly as his hand interlocked with mine, his hands were warm.
"I wish I could've properly met her." I softly said as I locked his hands with my fingers, the more I held his hand I could feel how rough it was.
"She would've loved you." Jaune smiled as we made it to a forest like area and sat down happily.
"I doubt that; we would've been rivals." I giggled before realising what I said, to which I looked away blushing.
"Eh, she never saw Ruby or anyone else like that even though they were almost as strong as her." Jaune said, being the dense idiot I knew.
"You...d-do you remember when we last saw each other the last thing I did?" I asked confused, still hiding my face with my long brown hair.
Slowly Jaune remembered the encounter and as he followed along the memory his face turned as red as mine as he looked away "I-I see." Jaune said as I giggled.
"You're an idiot Jaune," I smile as I look at him, he was avoiding me; so it made my next move easier "It's why I love you." I said after kissing his cheek, to which he immediately looked towards me as I had the cheesiest smile on my face.
Slowly he cupped where I kissed as I got up to my feet, stretching as I looked back to him "So, where am I staying Jaune?" I smiled, moving on from the subject as Jaune tried to collect his thoughts.

A year later me and Jaune were happy, we had been dating since the first day I got here and there was nothing more that I could want. We had moved in together six months after I had got here and thanks to Team RWBY and friends I got settled in easily. It was our anniversary so we were having a party, we had invited all of our friends and some of Jaunes family, I had never met them before so I was working as hard as I could to impress them. Jaune even had the cutest nephew, he is so cute and even though they're not biologically related I could see a bit of Jaune in him. As the party continued my ring started glowing. Slowly I looked down to my ring confused before I looked into the sky where I saw Hal Jordan looking down at me from a corridor, he gave me a thumbs up before leaving through it where I saw the rest of my friends at the Justice League before the door closed. Thanks guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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