[1] New Kid

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the excruciating sound of an alarm clock blares through the room, as the sound of shuffling sheets could also be heard shortly after.

Rocket groaned. He turned around in his bed, struggling through the blanket that was laid atop him. through blurry vision, he aggressively hit the top of the alarm clock next to him, causing it to shut up.

Rocket sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes as he read the time of said alarm clock.

* Seven in the morning, this is going to be one hell of a day. *

Rocket slowly got up, shuffling his way towards the bathroom and looking at himself in the mirror. He scanned over his tired face and all the ugly scratches and scars on his body from when he got into fights often, and before Zuka took him in. That was a time where he was his lowest.

He then directed his gaze towards his horns. two pairs grew on the side of his skull, each having a nub on the underside of them that differed his horns to Zuka. Or his so called "new dad".

a squeaking of a tap could be heard, then soon, running water.

Rocket grabbed a handful of the cold sink water and splashed it onto his face, slightly wetting his t-shirt in the process.

Walking back out into his room, he opened his closet door to change into some clothes that were more socially acceptable. He didn't want to walk in there looking like a complete idiot, afterall, it was his first time actually going to a school.

Rocket slipped on a pair of cargo pants and a hoodie, that was what he saw all the people his age wearing anyway, he'd probably fit in.

Rocket then slung a new green backpack over his shoulder. Zuka bought him all the supplies he would need to use at school. 

Rocket waltzed down the apartment, into the kitchen where Zuka was standing, preparing his son a sandwich to bring to school. He slipped it into a brown paper bag and handed it to the younger blue horned demon.

"Heya kid, ready to go?"

Rocket nodded slightly before they both got into Zuka's large gray pickup truck. The sounds of keys jingling and the engine of the truck sputtering could be heard as Zuka started it up. Soon enough, they were on the road.

Rocket stuck his head out of the window,  resting his head on him arm that was on the rim of it. The strong wind pelted him in the face, his hair [PLACEHOLDERED] in the wind. It was quite peaceful actually.

The truck shortly came to a stop in front of a large school building, multiple groups of students walking into the doors of the school. Rocket stepped out of the truck and onto the sidewalk.

"see ya in a few hours, kiddo."

before Rocket could even look back, the gray truck had already zoomed off into the distance.

Rocket walked into the school, he kept his head low as he wandered through the hallways to get to his class. He didn't even want to be here, school is for losers and dorks.

speaking of his class, he didnt even know where it was. Rocket didnt even bother asking around, the other demons would probably agitate him anyway, or he would end up annoying them, who knows.

by pure chance, Rocket managed to find his class before the bell rung, how lucky!

the sound of old door hinges spread throughout the classroom. Most demons were in their seats or talking to their friends. How nice.

Rocket quietly walked to a seat that was positioned to the back of the room, setting his bag to the side of his desk, slumping down onto his chair.

another creak of a door could be heard. A demon with short bright red horns slipped through the door, Rocket watched them walk over to a seat, nearer to the front of the room. He didn't know why, but that demon caught his eye.

Soon enough, a loud school bell rang through the hallways, piercing the ears of everyone in the school. A teacher confidently opened the door and stood in front of the classroom. The teacher went on babbling about their syllabus, and other important school stuff, but Rocket honestly couldn't care less.

Rocket slouched over his desk, resting his head on his arm as he listened to the teacher go on and on, until they mentioned something about icebreakers and group projects. Rocket sat up in his seat and looked around the classroom. 

* if i were to be in a group project who would i choose to be with... *

Rocket daydreamed for a few minutes, again not paying any attention to the teacher in front whatsoever. But he was quickly interrupted by the teacher saying his name.

"and out last pairing! uh.." the teacher took a quick glance at the clipboard they were holding in their hands. "Sword and... Rocket!"

Rocket quickly whipped his head up and looked around rapidly in a panic. He didn't have a single clue on what was going on.

The demon with short red horns got up from his seat and started approaching the table next to where Rocket sat. Rocket observed his features as they slowly walked over to his table. His horns were red, a vibrant shade of vermillion. Brings up some memories. Yeesh.

The red horned demon gently placed his hand onto Rockets table; Rocket flinched slightly at this. "I guess were stuck doing this project together, huh? your names Rocket right?" Rocket paused slightly at that question.

"....how do you know my name..?" Rocket asked awkwardly, pulling his arm back to scratch the behind of him shoulder.

"..uh" Sword took his hand off of Rockets desk. "i mean, we are the last pairing. Id just assume the only one without a partner would be you.." The student fiddled with his hands. "..were you even listening to anything the teacher was saying?"

Rocket scoffed.

* what the hell is up with this guy. rude much? id bash his skull in. *

"honestly, i didn't bother listening. also what are we doing and what's your name again?" Rocket leaned back into his seat, awaiting an answer from the other demon.

Sword took slight offence to this, but he didn't mind that much. "OH, i mean, thats pretty reasonable i guess." Sword cleared his throat and stuck his hand out, as to initiate a handshake. "I'm Sword! And i'm gonna be your partner for this project!" Sword gave him a grin and awaited a handshake from the other. Rocket found it quite charming.

"oh, i see." Rocket grabbed Sword's hand and squeezed it quite tightly. "I... I hope we could be friends." Rocket wasn't used to saying that phrase.

Rocket darted his eyes around the room. "so uh... what was the project about again?"

1121 words! im gonna attempt to make the minimum word count for each chapter about 1000!! also im sorry if i mischaracterised rocket or sword in this fic im projecting onto rocket since hes literally me fr 😭 also sword doesnt have the metal thingy in his head because. i dont wanna write that in. also hes lowkey get bullied if he had that thing LOL

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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