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I wheeled in my suitcase, into the hotel room. It was nice, very nice. A king bed, placed in the middle of the room, chandeliers to light up the huge place. A mini kitchen, and a living area.

I sat on the bed, the mattress bouncing a little. It felt like, I had to pray for whatever was about to happen, because I definitely knew it wasn't going to be pretty, I was certain of that.

Tom stood by the dresser, working on taking his watch off. "Lay back on the bed and strip." He nodded towards the center of it.

Oh dear, it was starting.

Now, it took about twenty minutes to get this dress on. But for some reason, I found myself swimming out of it. Within the minute.

I did as he said, laying flat on my back.

"Don't take off the lingerie, I get to do that." He said, noticing me picking at my white set.

Tom, opens his briefcase he had been lugging around all day. His body blocking the contains of what had been inside of it.

He pulls out two pieces of a silk material. It was a royal red color, he quickly shut the briefcase back up. Setting it on the end of the bed.

He walks over, bringing my wrists over my head. He took the long piece of silk, tying my wrists tightly together. I hissed, feeling him tighten it.

Tom takes the ends of it, tying it to the headboard. "Pull." He demanded, I tried to tug on them, but nothing was coming undone.

"Perfect." He said, with a sadistic smirk on his face. I felt his hands coming around my face, covering my eyes, with the red material.

I see red, red, oh red, oh.

No? Okay.

I felt the mattress, sink down. My legs being spread wide open, to the maximum.

"It's a shame, you know?" Tom started running his finger up and down my arm. Goosebumps forming, as his rough skin slid down my arm.

"What is?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Wearing this pretty little set, when all i'm gonna do is rip it off you." I heard the fabric of my thong ripping, around my waist.

I moaned, feeling him place his lips softly on my exposed clit, kissing all the way up in a straight line. Tom worked his way to my jaw, nibbling.

"Daddy..." I whimpered, feeling the aching between my legs.

"Yes, darling?"

"Please fuck me." I begged. "Not quite yet." He grabbed my jaw firmly in his hand.

"You're daddy's whore aren't you?" He whispers in my ear, biting on the lobe. I felt his fingers gliding down my body, slicking two fingers up and down on my wetness.

"Yes!" My back arched, feeling him buck his fingers into my bundle of nerves. That's when the weight disappeared off the mattress.

Maybe he was taking his clothes off? I'm not sure, all I see is nothing.

I suddenly heard the door, open and shut.

What the hell?

"Tom?" I say, confused. A minute goes by, still no response, two minutes, no response.


I put my keycard back against the lock of the door. Re-entering.

"Hey, mama, you miss me?" I carried the bucket of ice to the bed. "Where did you go?" She questioned, trying to figure out where I was standing at. "You'll see."

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