Tree x Reader

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Thanks to @sillyrei for requesting!

Writing this made me think of that quote "I'm not fragile like glass or a flower, i'm fragile like a bomb."

Notes :
-O/N = object name
-Gn!reader (they/them)
-O/N is an easily breakable object, like they're made of glass or something :P
-O/M = Object material, like what your sona is made of. For example if your O/N is a fancy teacup or something that would be porcelain.
-This is my longest oneshot yet! Exactly 1035 words >:)




Tree turned his head towards the source of the noise, though he already had an idea of what it could be.
His hypothesis proved correct when he noticed the familiar shards of O/M scattered on the ground. He tried not to step on them, wanting to avoid injuries and made his way to the recovery center, his fingers typing a name he's used to entering now.

"O/N. ding!"

The recovery center opened up to let O/N fall through the small entrance, but the impact with the ground was too much, even at such a small height.


Tree groaned as he pressed the "Try again" button on the large machine. This time, he positionned himself under the entrance and caught O/N to stop them from breaking again

"Tree! Thank you."

They carefully got down from his arms, smiling gratefully.

"Sorry about that. Anyone else would probably be fed up with how much i break by now."

"I know you can't help it, you don't have to apologise."

He pat O/N's head gently as he smiled, almost as if his touch could shatter them again. O/N grinned.

"How about we-"

An unexpected flying fork -probably from Eraser- knocked O/N over.


Tree stared at the O/M shards in a mix of disbelief and frustration.
He walked back to the recovery center, his fingers practically moving on their own.

"O/N. Ding!"

Tree caught O/N again.

"Seriously, it's like everything's trying to kill you! I'm not doing a very good job at preventing your death."

"Hey, don't sweat it. I'm happy you still bother recovering me."

"Bother? If i didn't do it, I'd-...!"

Tree's cheeks flushed red. He wanted to say something along the lines of "I'd be lonely without you." but that sounded too cheesy in his head and he caught himself.

"...Tree? You're still holding me. Can i get down?"

Perhaps it was panic, -or something else- that made Tree immediately retract his arms, letting O/N shatter on the ground yet again.

The shards felt more painful to look at this time. Tree had just caused death, and not just anyone's. He just killed O/N.

He entered their name on the recovery center's keyboard yet again with trembling hands, catching O/N and then immediately setting them on the ground.

"What happened back there? You looked like someone made you eat raw carolina pepper."

O/N asked as they looked up at Tree in confusion.

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