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"Do we really need to do it" shivers Jingyi in fear.

"Stop it and stand still"said Jiang cheng.

It's already passed Midnight the time is around 1am now. The family was roaming on streets of Nightless city as they are here for evidence. The sound of multiple footsteps can be heard. They were closely examining the place trying hard to find clues except the Un-lan one.

A sudded Red light peak from their back.

"Aaaaa"screamed Jingyi and jump in zizhen back.

Wangxian and others pass signal to each other and look behind at the same time. The light disappear making it look like nothing was there.

"Lan zhan" said Wei wuxian, he pulled the latter as he see a weird shadow right side of his husband.

"Be careful "said Lan sizhui. Since it's passed Midnight it was quite hard to see but the moon was clearly shinning, making the night less darker.


"Aren't we are here to hunt ghosts" said Shi qingxuan as she sips her tea.

"Well Gege need to rest" said Hua cheng massaging his husband palms.

"But San lang the Ghosts are bothering inocent peoples" said Xie lian.

"Yes didn't you see the child with mortals? He is only child yet lost his parents!" Said Feng xin.

"We should clear this first " said Mu qing.

"Calm down In laws! I have already cleared this" told Hua cheng.

"Huh When?" asked Shi qingxuan.

"And How? We all are together since we have arrived " asked Mu qing.

"San lang could you explain " request Xie lian.

"Gege rest assured. i already sent my Butterflies " said Hua cheng smirking.

"And what order did you gave them " asked Feng xin.

" Nothing more but to Imprisoned the Ghosts and teleport them " replied Hua cheng.

"That's how "smiled Xie lian

"Well then, Good night see you tomorrow" shi qingxuan waves her hand and went upstairs.

Hualian also went upstairs leaving Feng xin and Mu qing drinking.


Wangxian, Jiangcheng and Juniors was walking ahead as they didn't find anything useful there.

"Woah" exclaimed zizhen in amusement.

They all look around only to find out there was numerous of butterflies. The butterflies was Silver in colour and shining bright like something magical was about to happen.

"Lan zhan look how beautiful isn't" said Wei wuxian pointing at the silver butterflies around him.

"Mn" nodded Lan zhan

"Wtf it's burning" shout Wei wuxian as he touches one of the butterflies.

"Wei ying" Lan zhan was concerned.

" How can it be..." Said Wei wuxian looking at the butterfly he touched which is now turned Red.

The butterflies disappear suddenly into thin air.

"Where did they disappear?" question Jin ling.

"A-niang" call Lan sizhui giving sign to his mother not to touch anything this carelessly as it can be harmful.

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now