My little love 6

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(ignore my mistakes I wrote this in a rush)

Samuel knew that Theresia was up to something. After the incident in her room where they almost gave in but thankfully he pulled away .

When they were around eachother they couldn't even make eyecontact without making their day awkward. Samuel wanted what they had before their big fight broke out back when they couldn't even resist eachother

Just like how their marriage started he began leaving the house and not returning for a week. On those days he wasn't around diya would try to convince her to go back to her homeland.

Finally one day theresia woke up from her sleep because of a storm , she rushed down to the library to get a book to distract her only to bump into her husband. She screamed thinking he was a ghost,"it's me" he held his hands out after seeing her pull out a knife.

What are doing at home ?" it sounded weird since he also lived here but they both knew he hated home.
I live here ?" he came forward making it easier for her to see him

Her breath hitched seeing his night clothes, it was simple but for women like her it was seductive. His chest was visible including his abdomen if he lifted up his arms. His white long sleeve shirt didn't have any buttons so it seemed it wasn't on purpose.

She licked her a dry lips clearing her throat,"right" she grabbed a random book about to exit only to bump into his back "sorry-" she apologized helping him up

It's alright. So what are you doing ?" his question meant more but she looked at him weirdly holding up the book she took.
He looked at the book wide eyed ,"I didn't know we had such books" she looked at the book in surprise then dropped as if it burned her.

She accidentally grabbed a sex novel ,he laughed at her reaction picking the book up. „I'm thinking about doing things that I did when I was younger. But I won't you know..the Queen doesn't-" he tossed the book into the fireplace staring at her while grinning

The Queen doesn't what ? " he tilted his waiting for her to continue it may look like he's teasing her but actually he was interested. He hasn't had a normal conversation with her or heard the voice he missed every time he left the house.
Dance"she blinked feeling him pat her shoulder in a brotherly matter.

She was horrible at this. The real reason she left her room was to talk to him but she ended up walking past his room to the library." what happened to us ?" she asked not knowing she thought out loud.

We just grew apart I guess." He shrugged pouring himself a drink , she brushed a curl out of her face trying to keep herself together just like she rehearsed "I- I want to fix things. I'm tired of feeling like a stranger in my own home ." she walked over to him rubbing his back affectionately trying to get his attention

I love you Samuel. Please come back in my life" Her voice broke at the end ,she held back tears touching his body to show him that she meant it. " do you think I'm a fool to forget what happened at the ball 5 years ago ?"  he pushed her away backing her into a corner

His tongue made a clicking sound as he stared out the window,her soft hands crept back on him "I swear to god I had nothing to do with him !" she hugged him burying her face in his chest. He wanted to believe her so bad but he remembered what his mother said.

He was between your thighs for the love of God Theresia !"He groaned painfully rubbing his eyes with his head tilted back, "he tried to force himself on me ! I was almost raped and you are here debating wether to believe me or not !" she pushed herself off him in disbelief shaking her head.

How would I know ? You're someone who would cheat ." He yelled back

She stood there with her mouth agape . " so you never trusted me ? Crazy last time I remember I wasn't the one who called you a different name during our love making .I guarantee you if Abigail was still alive you would be on her bed not mine!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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