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"STOP RUNNING!" Hailee yelled as she chased her girlfriend down the halls of the building, Maeve laughing as she held Hailee's hoodie close to her chest, going down a flight of stairs fast (and carefully), as she made her way into the parking lot.

"YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS BACK!" Maeve yelled back, glancing behind her as she watched the taller girl catching up to her.

"IT'S MY FUCKING HOODIE, MAEVE!" Hailee shoved her way through a couple of students who were in her way as she finally caught up to Maeve, grabbing her from behind as she lifted her into the air. "You thief!" She yelled with a smile as she snatched the hoodie from her girlfriend, who was mid air in her arms.

"Put. Me. Down!" Maeve squealed as she squirmed in Hailee's arms. Hailee rolled her eyes, setting Maeve down on her feet. The shorter brunette turned around with a huff, looking up at Hailee who was putting on the stolen hoodie. "I wanted that."

Hailee tilted her head at the pout on her girlfriends face. "No, no, no! This is my hoodie, those eyes won't work this time." Hailee said sternly, mostly to herself as Maeve kept looking at her like that. "Nope, cuteness won't help you." The girl flicked Maeve's forehead lightly as she began to walk away.

Maeve though for a moment before smirking, moving to stop Hailee from leaving. She put her hand on the taller girl's chest, giving her a seductive smile. "Please?" She whispered in a raspy tone that made Hailee weak.


"Are you happy?" Hailee grumbled as the couple walked back up the stairs to their dorm room, holding hands as Maeve now wore Hailee's hoodie.

Yep, the Steinfeld girl gave in. Pretty easily, too, might I add.

"Yep." Maeve exclaimed with a giddy smile as they approached their door. Hailed sighed, shaking her head but a smile was present on her face as she unlocked the door, both of the girls walking inside.

"You have some sort of power over me." Hailee stated as she threw her keys on the kitchen counter, collapsing on the bed. Maeve looked at her girlfriend for a moment, smirking, she kicked her shoes off, laying next to her. "You do look adorable though."

Maeve blushed under Hailee's intense gaze, the hazel eyed girl was admiring her in her hoodie. "Stop it, you charmer." The Dawson girl scoffed, shoving Hailee's shoulder lightly with a playful smile.

"Never." Hailed whispered, moving to hover over Maeve, her hands resting on either side of the girl's head for stability. Hailee admired her girl, a loving smile tugging at her lips as she leaned down, moving aside a little bit of Maeve's hoodie to kiss her neck lightly.

Maeve sighed softly, tilting her head so Hailee had more access, her own hands going around the girl's neck. Hailer smiled, planting soft kisses down Maeve's neck, to her slightly exposed collarbone.

"Can I take this off?" The hazel eyed girl whispered, looking up at her girlfriend with a sultry gaze. Maeve nodded, closing her eyes for a moment as she felt Hailee lift the hoodie over her head, gently placing it to the side as her lips began to make their journey down the Dawson girl's body, trailing over her shoulders, down to her chest, and her stomach.

It was a loving moment, the couple had been together for almost 3 months now, they were going strong and they both had some strong feelings for each other. They didn't need to have sex all the time like some expected them too, no, sometimes they both just loved to take things slow. And have soft moments like this.

Hailee stopped her journey at the beginning of Maeve's hips, trailing her way back up, but this time, going past Maeve's neck, up her jaw, and to her lips. Her final destination as she pushed their lips together, it was a euphoric feeling that they loved so much. One kiss had made them feel a rush of adrenaline and their hearts to be filled with love for one another.

It seemed like the perfect opportunity.

"I love you." Hailee whispered those three little words to Maeve, pulling away to see a slightly shocked look on the girl's face. She continued, "I love you so much, Maeve, you have no idea. You are constantly on my mind, you make feel safe and comfortable, you make me feel better about myself." Hailee continued and now, the shorter girl was smiling, cupping Hailee's face as the brunette never stopped talking. "You always bring a smile to my face, you make me feel like I'm somebody and not a nobody."

It was quiet for a moment, Maeve wiped her joyful tears away, pecking Hailee's lips quickly as she looked deep into the girl's eyes. "I love you too, Hailee. You picked up the broken pieces of my heart and healed it in more ways than one. I'm so fucking grateful for you and so grateful to call you mine." Maeve expressed as Hailee let out a soft chuckle, it being cut off a little short as Maeve pulled her down, forming another kiss between the two.

This one was more soft, slow but passionate.

It was more loving.

Roommates or More | Hailee Steinfeld (G!P) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now