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INT: Dj's Apartment after dark nyc

I take the last drag from my blunt as i set the roach in the ashtray. I grabbed my pencil to finish the drawing of my dream I had last night. The dream was about my current boyfriend and his gems floating around in a lighting circle. Just as I start drawing the lightning around his jawline and chest I start to see the greenish-blue lights flashing from every crease in my room. I immediately jump up and run out my house ready for action.

I Know exactly what is going on. This was all in my vision about my boyfriend Ken.

EXT: Outside the apartment

I hurry behind my apartment building to get to the alley. I pace myself as I began running the distance towards the last block. The lights are lighting up the night sky on and off, but I know he is down here. I can feel his heart beating in my wrist, so I know he is near by. My heart is beating so fast my stitches holding my chest together are feeling very tight. I Instantly look to my right and I see Ken, changing into a werewolf. I see vampire Ken trying to stop himself from transforming into the werewolf, yet fail every time. The moonlight is shining on his chaos emblems and the gems floating around Ken's body. Ken falls from the chaos circle as his body takes on full werewolf form. He looks up and over to me.

"Dj..." Ken groans

Im left speechless, and I see his veins electricity throughout his muscles. I start getting kinda scared because I have not seen this side of my boyfriend ever. I can't even remember what my life looked like before having him in mine, which makes this all so much more terrifying, but before I can wonder in my thoughts about it any longer, werewolf ken lunges over into my direction then slices the right side of my neck making me bleed out at my jugular. The loss of blood from my body; done by the one whom I love the most causes me to go numb. I start to lose consciousness the more of Ken's blood I lose from my body. My vision is starting to fade as I see Ken fighting his werewolf-self off through his vampire-self. I see vamp Ken's fangs sparkle as he fly's in front of me.

Ken uses his left hand as he pulls me closer in, only to use his right hand to move my hair from my fresh wound he created, and he bites it back better. Vampire Ken licked all the blood that was dripping on down my neck and onto my breast. He took the time to hold my body as he sucked all the blood off me, fixing the wound instantly, leaving behind a light scar.

All the pain and numbness left my body as soon as he kissed my neck. Ken is holding me in shock at what he has done to me. He is in shock of what he has unleashed within him.

"Dj I...i'm-...i'm sorry I really do not know whats going on within me right now, i've never wanted to hurt you like this...i'm sorry I need to-"

I cut Ken's sentence short by kissing him softly on his lips. His hands explore my body while he uses them to pull me in more for a deeper kiss. We pull away from the kiss and Ken insists on me coming to his place for the night.

Ken can feel that the blood loss has his heart feeling weak inside my body, so he picks me up takes us over to the parking garage. In the garage I can feel my heart in Ken's body beating against my body. I gently kiss Ken's neck to let him know I still love him after the werewolf incident, and besides it's not like he did this to me on purpose or that he wasn't trying to stop this because he did try to stop himself from the werewolf transformation. It was like Ken was unleashed and I don't know why. I feel Ken open the passenger door then he puts me in his car. The crinkle from Ken shutting the car door fades quickly and i'm left with an empty sound. It wasn't long before Ken was in the car and he started driving to his place. Ken is playing smooth jazz tracks to pass time on the way. Once we pull up, Ken can still feel that his heart is beating pretty low inside of my small body. He rushes to get me out of his car to bring us inside his place. I practically live here too.

Ken Carson: UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now