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"Can we go see a movie?" Nina crossed her arms, standing in front of the TV.

"With who?" I questioned, quirking a brow up. "Umm... I don't know." She shrugs.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I looked to Tom, suspiciously. "Aliyah probably knows, why are you asking me?" She started to walk away... okay now, what?

"Come with me." I took Tom's hand getting up, I walked into their room.

"What movie, are there going to be adults? Who's all going to be there?" I asked all the important questions, as they just started at me.

What the hell is wrong with teens these days?

I nudged Tom, seeing him stay silent. "Your mother is talking to you." He tried to wave a stern finger in their face.

"You're not fooling anybody." Nina said, causing Aliyah to laugh. "Tom, we're a team." I whisper, yell. "We can still hear you." Aliyah added.

I pushed him forward. "Um, you can't go anywhere unless we know who they are or have heard of them before." He said, unsure.

"Right?" He turned around to look at me. "Right." I agreed. "Okay, Heather, Lucy, Joshua, Claire, the other Claire, Andrew, Julio, Ben and Davis." Aliyah started counting on her fingers.

"Who the hell are all these people, and why have I never heard of them." I interjected.

"Just friends from school." Nina says.

"Do you have a ride?" I followed up. "Papi can take us, right?" Aliyah trailed her eyesight to Tom. He chuckled, humming.

"Do I get a hug?" He extended his arms. "At home yeah, not in front of them though." Nina shuddered, was this real life right now?

"That's okay." Tom settles, they both squealed getting up, and giving him a hug. "Papi." I heard Aliyah whisper, looking up at him.

"Yes?" He whispered back, confused.

"We need money."

Of course.

He took his wallet out of his pocket, licking a finger as he ruffled through the money.

"Is two hundred enough?" He asked, taking two large bills out of the wallet. "Twenty each is fine." I put a hand on his chest.

"They're my girls Gia, stay out of this." He waved me off, oh no he didn't.

"Why do you always coddle them!" I argued. "Because, I have the money to, and I will gladly spoil all my children equally."

"Oh Amira is just as spoiled as them!" I pointed towards her room, she was in that phase where she never wanted to talk to anyone.

"She can stay in hibernation for as long as she feels like it, stop being a hater." He handed them the money, smiling. "Thank you papi, we'll be ready in thirty minutes." Aliyah spoke for both of them, he closes his wallet putting it back.

I walked out of their room, crossing my arms at him angrily. "You can't act like that in front of them, you're making me seem like the bad guy." I watched him scratch his beard, looking away.

"You're not the bad guy, they adore you, you're just a little strict mama." He leans down placing a kiss on my cheek.

"They're going to be horrible people when they grow up, we need to teach them manners, and how to not always rely on money." I explained.

"Oh come on, a little money never hurt anybody." He defended.

"I'm going to check on Amira." I walked down the hall, to her room. Knocking three times.

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