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Every story has a beginning...

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Nora shouted towards the barefooted girl in a detailed dress.

"Don't leave!"

The girl Nora was chasing appeared in front of her in her camping tent, her seeming glowing eyes staring right into her. Before Nora reacted, the girl grabbed her journal and ran off, not saying a word.


After what seemed like forever to Nora, both girls ended up at a cliff looking over the ocean Nora lived close by to. Nora walked closer to the mysterious girl, trying to not make her run off the cliff unknowingly.

"Hey... uh... C-Can I have that back now...?"

Nora reached over with her arm, ready to take the journal back if the girl was to hand it to her. Suddenly, the girl gripped onto Nora's outstretched arm with her free hand and ran off the cliff with her.

Free-falling through the air, Nora's shocked face only lasted for about a second before she let out a terrified scream. The girl, whose face was as deadpan as a doll, reached forth with her other hand containing the journal and throws it down towards the rocks next to the bottom of the cliff.


With her arm still stretched forward, the girl's arm seems to glow alongside the journal, which is now floating right above the rocks. She then proceeds to shout an intelligible phrase, at least to Nora, and the journal then becomes strings of light where it used to be. To Nora's amazement and confusion, the girl then thrusts her hand behind her, then seemingly commanding the water around the light from the journal. The water then raced towards the two, encasing them inside it.

Nora, who was bewildered the whole time, was snapped out of it immediately as they descended down into the water. They were slowly sinking down as the other girl turned to face Nora and held both of her hands.

Then, the girl proceeded to say a longer, chant like intelligible phrase as her hands began to glow again. Water swirling fast around them, Nora looked around in amazement. Then she noticed the light from the girl's hand creeping up their arms. Nora instinctively tried to pull away but to no avail. As she continued though the chanting girl stopped casting her spell and looked Nora in the eyes, her whole eye now glowing bright blue with much intensity, and spoke to her

"Do not be afraid."

"Your journey is just beginning."

To be continued...

Nora The Water GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now